Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tunisian nasyeed

A beautiful nasheed sung by a young Tunisian brother in on live TV. The lyrics of the poem are as follows:

The first thing I'll start my words with saying is Bismillah;
I'll start with the kalima of tahweed: La ilaaha illa Allah.
We'll start by sending blessings on As Sadiq, Al Amin (Rasool Allah);
We'll start by sending blessings on the best of the Messengers. 
Listen to me, my brother, so that I may tell you a story;
I am a Tunisian Arab and my deen is Islam.
You told me I was ignorant; you told me I was backward;
You told me I was an oppressor, that I was an "ikhwani"!
Can you now tell me what is my fault?
For keeping the Qur'an and sunnah as a guide between my eyes?
You like to propagate the "modern Islam"; 
the Islam of sagging trousers and the Islam of miniskirts. 
55 years we lived under a secular regime!
You killed, stole and looted; and kept the people in suffering.
I am a Sunni Muslim; not a Jew or a Christian;
So do not tell me that tale about "separating politics" from my religion!
One word that we have said is that the Qur'an is our constitution; 
One word that we have said is that the Prophet is our role model;
One word that we have said is that the way of the Salaf is our way; 

One word that we have said is that the return of the Khilafah is a promise of Allah!

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