Tuesday, October 26, 2010

BioBlitz Volunteering

salam and hi~

last saturday i went for my very first volunteering..... it was an event held at Hamsbrook Marshes, outskirt of Canterbury where we identifying species of plants and insects (something to do with the biodiversity)

i volunteered myself to photograph during the event.. me and fasieyhah indirectly wanted to improve our skills in photography so we went for bird-watching with another two volunteers.. it was pleasant to be part of the nature; watch the birds fly, the plants wavering due to the windy day and insects where we never seem to bother before.

it was a great experience~
subhanallah, Allah has created such wonderful species that fill the land of His creation... calm, peaceful and such grateful feeling l had when i was there, walking and breathing the fresh air... :P

i've even made my very first video attempt about this event.. a collection of pictures that amused me till now... enjoy~

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