you think you're so GOOD?
achieved something and be proud of it?
you think you're so TALENTED?
each that you reached made people respected you?
you think you're simply the BEST?
just because no other can beat you?
just remember
all that you have
is from Allah
all that you gained
is within His power
so don't
be too proud
as within seconds
He can simply withdraw it back
without you willing to let go
with what you HAVE
with what you're GOOD at
with what your TALENT is
give more than you take
use it before you lose it!
betul! ana setuju sgt. suka coretan ini. teruskanlah menulis menyebarkan Islam! =)
jzkk liana
sy masih baru lgi..
masih byk yg nk belajar n perbaiki..
pape pun, tq for ur support (^.^)
anti/anta (aseef xpasti penulis blog ppuan/laki) is a new Muslim revert is it?
ukhti liana, ana bukanlah seorg revert, cuma seorg yg baru tersedar dr mimpi.. ^^
kai : thanks~ still a beginner though
Alhamdulillah, sekurang2nya dah tersedar skrg drpd sedar kemudian ayau x sedar langsung. Ramai Muslims masih tercari2 jd enti/anta patut panjtkan rasa syukur pd Ilahi. =)
Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah =) skarang adalah usaha utk cari ilmu n sedarkn yg lain pula.. oh ye, ana juge perempuan.. Afwan buat liana t'tanye2
salam alaiki ukhti!
ah, berbunga hati ana dpt tahu enti merupakan seorg ukhti! ^_^ betul2, perlu menolong membuka mata yang lain. iAllah, Allah akan membantu kita dlm proses ini. =)
ana nak tanya skit, apa yg tlh membantu ana "tersedar" (afwan, bm ana x bagus sgt, xtau nak guna perkataan mana yg sesuai.hehe) ataupun as how ana's friend phrase it, "dulu zaman jahiliyah.."
harap enti sudi ceritakan! pendek pun xpe.. pnjg lagi best. hehe..^^
salam uhibbuki fillah=)
panjang ceritanye.. huhu, kalau nk cerita, mgkn private antara kite, ok kot.. ^^ ana pun nak tau jugak kisah liana ^^
salam.. hehe.liana ada kisah ke? ^_^
boleh2.. tolong bagi email enti.. ana email kat enti !!
=) yay, dpt tau cerita enti.. =D
sila2kan delete.. shukran ukhti!!! <3
pas exam ana email enti !! =)
tolong doakan imtihan ana ya ukhti.. jzkk!! =)
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