location: DKA
time: few minutes after ldv presentation. quite a relief but not very ready to present. quite lack of of explanation.. =(
yesterday, got usual training with master ben. only 8 members came. not very much but i like it this way. sir taught us quite some new tricks of warming-up, which i think is quite unique. i've already got the equipments needed for the sparring competition. akhirnye dapat jugak main dengan kicking pads once again.
sir observed my poomsae and it was sucks at first. after a few times practicing, it become much better and i'm able to balance myself after each movements. finally~
during the evening, went to the UM's libraby in search of resources for our second social studies assignment. found a few articles and after done photostating, rushed back to ipba for sport house training. we went for lempar cakera and rejam lembing. from my view, not many are actually interested to participate. kind of sad because i don't really have friends who love sports. even thought i'm not that kind of a sports girl, in a sudden i felt i am when i'm in ipba. haish...
after finished both track and field events, got the chance for my beloved long-not-trained-so-da-pancit sport, long jump.. went for the first jump, successfully jump above the requirement limit. tried for the second, unfortunately, sprained my left ankle due to bad landing. not good for a poomsae participant like me this sunday.
so, today, i'm not going to walk like a normal human being, therefore mind my slow movements until i recovers.
the end.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
currently submitted social study and language development assignments.. kind a relief.. pheww...
now 2 more to go for the first assignments:
k, chao
currently submitted social study and language development assignments.. kind a relief.. pheww...
now 2 more to go for the first assignments:
- english studies.only to edit the drafts.
- islamic studies. also need to refer to what aisyah has found. thanks ya for helping me..
k, chao
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
sejarah bermulanya disini
17 mac 2009
enam tahun berlalu sudah. kini diri ini telah hampir dua tahun meninggalkan alam persekolahannya. kalau dulu, diri ini masih mentah, apatah lagi hidup berdikari tanpa keluarga disisi (tipu2, kampung 10 minit je dari sekolah) kalau dulu, diri ini tidaklah setinggi ini, tidaklah mempuanyai kuasa mata yang setinggi sekarang, dan yang pasti, tidaklah se'gila' sekarang.
di bumi pasir salak lah diri ini mengenal erti kehidupan, erti persahabatan, tak lupa juga erti hidup sebagai seorang pelajar mrsm. ingat senang ke hah, nak jadi pelajar mrsm ni? ingat senangkah apatah lagi tergolong dalam golongan perintis bagi maktabnye. ketika tarikh ini jugalah, kain biru tidak lagi menjadi kain rasmi. al-kisahku bermula begini...
17 mac 2003
hari pertama mendaftar sebagai pelajar maktab rendah sains mara kg. gajah. jangan gelak. inilah asal usul nama maktabku dahulu kala. ala, zaman muda mudi la katakan. hari tu, perasaan masih bercampur baur. betul ke aku nak masuk mrsm ni? macam tipu jer. tak caye lah. tapi, setiba nye di pintu gerbang mrsm itu, baiklah, mulai hari ni, aku memang da jadi budak mrsm. cayalah. dah lah dekat dengan kampung. mesti boleh outing tiap2 minggu. dari luar, nampak begitu tersergam indah bangunan2nya. blok pentadbiran, dengan 'title' mrsm pasir salak yang dari jauh pun boleh nampak.
masuk2 je, terpaksa daki bukit ( padahal bukan ke naik kereta) untuk ke parking lot disebabkan muka bumi maktab ini yang berbukit. tiba2, sampai je selekoh, alamak! jakan baru separuh berturap la pulak. dah nasib badan. inilah yang tak bestnye kalau jadi perintis, sumenye belum siap. tambahan pula, kakiku masa tu, agak tidak sihat disebabkan infectious ape tah. menyebabkannya berair yang memaksaku untuk tidak memakai kasut bertutup untuk beberapa minggu. dah la jalan pun merah lagi, habislah kaki den.
selesai parking kereta, nak kena berkumpul pula di dewan besar. adus, tadi baru je daki bukit, sekarang nak kena turun bukit balik? inilah kehidupan seterusku selama 5 tahun. turun naik bukit. mane nak sempat gemuk. nak capai berat badan normal pun susah. sesamapinye di dewan, kelihatan dah ada ramai yang dah sampai. rata2 bersama2 keluarga. memanglah,
hari terakhir bersama2. mestilah kena hantar. lepas ni jangan harap la nak datang selalu. bukan semua asal dari perak. aku je yang dikira bernasib baik sebab dapat dekat dengan kampung.
mase kat dewan tu, rase macam daif pun ade. kain rentang pun biasa2 je. conteng2 sket pakai cat pelaka( btol ke name cat ni?) . takde lah se-grand macam budak2 sekarang yang baru masuk. banner yang tak boleh blah pula tu. beruntung mereka. beruntung mereka tak perlu hadapi macam ape yang kitorang lalui. seusai habis taklimat di dewan, ada taklimat bersama guru homeroom pula. tempat: di kelas. dan ini bermaksud, naik bukit lagi. tapi nasib baik taklah setinggi mana.
sampai kelas pula, alamak! tak cukup meja dan kerusi la pula. jadi terpaksalah berdiri sepanjang taklimat. guru homeroomku, miss hani mazlina hamzah namanya. kecil molek, suka tersenyum, dan peramah orangnye. berkelulusan dari universiti di uk, 6 tahun lamanya. wah, rupa2nye aku sama homeroom dengan anye, sahabat lama sejak dari tadika lagi. kembarnye, ani, berada di kelas sebelah bersama yusnieda. bagus, kita boleh buat geng bantingian kat sini.
selesai sudah semua perkara, tibalah masa yang paling digeruni kebanyakan pelajar baru asrama penuh. detik perpisahan dengan ahli keluarga. bagi aku, takde apelah sangat. yelah, kampung pun dekat. buat ape nak homesick2. takde maknenye. ramai diantara mereka menangis, ada yang 'cool' saja seperti aku. tapi yang tak tahan tu, ada sorang ahli kelas yang 'homesick'nya berminggu2. tiap hari menangis. tiap hari guru2 terpaksa memujuk. lawak betul la dia tu. memalukan diri sendiri. pantang nampak telefon, bergayut lama2 cakap kat mak mahu pulang. sambil menangis terpekik terlolong lagi tu. hakikatnya, pada ketika itu, perkhidmatan telefon awam sangat la terhad. maklumla, sekolah baru buka, tak sempurna lagi seperti sekarang. lagi2 pada masa tu, hanya ada dua 'batch' saja. tingkatan empat dan tingkatan satu. memang jauh beza umur kami. soal di'ragging', adalah juga, tapi mujur tak pernah dikacau. mungkin kerana masa tu, diri ini belum pandai tersenyum seperti sekarang.
hampir keseluruhan ahli kelas. ada beberapa yang dah balik masa ni. tak sabar nak makan tengah hari agaknya.
jadi, konklusinya, tarikh ini memang banyak kenangannya. kalau mahu tahu lagi, janganlah segan silu, malu2 kucing untuk bertanya terus pada empunya blog ini. mana tau nanti ada pula sambungan kedua.
sampai disini saja. sekian, wassalam.
enam tahun berlalu sudah. kini diri ini telah hampir dua tahun meninggalkan alam persekolahannya. kalau dulu, diri ini masih mentah, apatah lagi hidup berdikari tanpa keluarga disisi (tipu2, kampung 10 minit je dari sekolah) kalau dulu, diri ini tidaklah setinggi ini, tidaklah mempuanyai kuasa mata yang setinggi sekarang, dan yang pasti, tidaklah se'gila' sekarang.
di bumi pasir salak lah diri ini mengenal erti kehidupan, erti persahabatan, tak lupa juga erti hidup sebagai seorang pelajar mrsm. ingat senang ke hah, nak jadi pelajar mrsm ni? ingat senangkah apatah lagi tergolong dalam golongan perintis bagi maktabnye. ketika tarikh ini jugalah, kain biru tidak lagi menjadi kain rasmi. al-kisahku bermula begini...
17 mac 2003
hari pertama mendaftar sebagai pelajar maktab rendah sains mara kg. gajah. jangan gelak. inilah asal usul nama maktabku dahulu kala. ala, zaman muda mudi la katakan. hari tu, perasaan masih bercampur baur. betul ke aku nak masuk mrsm ni? macam tipu jer. tak caye lah. tapi, setiba nye di pintu gerbang mrsm itu, baiklah, mulai hari ni, aku memang da jadi budak mrsm. cayalah. dah lah dekat dengan kampung. mesti boleh outing tiap2 minggu. dari luar, nampak begitu tersergam indah bangunan2nya. blok pentadbiran, dengan 'title' mrsm pasir salak yang dari jauh pun boleh nampak.
masuk2 je, terpaksa daki bukit ( padahal bukan ke naik kereta) untuk ke parking lot disebabkan muka bumi maktab ini yang berbukit. tiba2, sampai je selekoh, alamak! jakan baru separuh berturap la pulak. dah nasib badan. inilah yang tak bestnye kalau jadi perintis, sumenye belum siap. tambahan pula, kakiku masa tu, agak tidak sihat disebabkan infectious ape tah. menyebabkannya berair yang memaksaku untuk tidak memakai kasut bertutup untuk beberapa minggu. dah la jalan pun merah lagi, habislah kaki den.
selesai parking kereta, nak kena berkumpul pula di dewan besar. adus, tadi baru je daki bukit, sekarang nak kena turun bukit balik? inilah kehidupan seterusku selama 5 tahun. turun naik bukit. mane nak sempat gemuk. nak capai berat badan normal pun susah. sesamapinye di dewan, kelihatan dah ada ramai yang dah sampai. rata2 bersama2 keluarga. memanglah,
hari terakhir bersama2. mestilah kena hantar. lepas ni jangan harap la nak datang selalu. bukan semua asal dari perak. aku je yang dikira bernasib baik sebab dapat dekat dengan kampung.
mase kat dewan tu, rase macam daif pun ade. kain rentang pun biasa2 je. conteng2 sket pakai cat pelaka( btol ke name cat ni?) . takde lah se-grand macam budak2 sekarang yang baru masuk. banner yang tak boleh blah pula tu. beruntung mereka. beruntung mereka tak perlu hadapi macam ape yang kitorang lalui. seusai habis taklimat di dewan, ada taklimat bersama guru homeroom pula. tempat: di kelas. dan ini bermaksud, naik bukit lagi. tapi nasib baik taklah setinggi mana.
sampai kelas pula, alamak! tak cukup meja dan kerusi la pula. jadi terpaksalah berdiri sepanjang taklimat. guru homeroomku, miss hani mazlina hamzah namanya. kecil molek, suka tersenyum, dan peramah orangnye. berkelulusan dari universiti di uk, 6 tahun lamanya. wah, rupa2nye aku sama homeroom dengan anye, sahabat lama sejak dari tadika lagi. kembarnye, ani, berada di kelas sebelah bersama yusnieda. bagus, kita boleh buat geng bantingian kat sini.
selesai sudah semua perkara, tibalah masa yang paling digeruni kebanyakan pelajar baru asrama penuh. detik perpisahan dengan ahli keluarga. bagi aku, takde apelah sangat. yelah, kampung pun dekat. buat ape nak homesick2. takde maknenye. ramai diantara mereka menangis, ada yang 'cool' saja seperti aku. tapi yang tak tahan tu, ada sorang ahli kelas yang 'homesick'nya berminggu2. tiap hari menangis. tiap hari guru2 terpaksa memujuk. lawak betul la dia tu. memalukan diri sendiri. pantang nampak telefon, bergayut lama2 cakap kat mak mahu pulang. sambil menangis terpekik terlolong lagi tu. hakikatnya, pada ketika itu, perkhidmatan telefon awam sangat la terhad. maklumla, sekolah baru buka, tak sempurna lagi seperti sekarang. lagi2 pada masa tu, hanya ada dua 'batch' saja. tingkatan empat dan tingkatan satu. memang jauh beza umur kami. soal di'ragging', adalah juga, tapi mujur tak pernah dikacau. mungkin kerana masa tu, diri ini belum pandai tersenyum seperti sekarang.

jadi, konklusinya, tarikh ini memang banyak kenangannya. kalau mahu tahu lagi, janganlah segan silu, malu2 kucing untuk bertanya terus pada empunya blog ini. mana tau nanti ada pula sambungan kedua.
sampai disini saja. sekian, wassalam.
Monday, March 16, 2009
not in the mood
guess that it's been quite some time since my last post.. sorry, dude.. connection to blogger problem ( i dunno whether this only happened to me or to others too)
i'm not saying that i'm not in the mood to post any entry today.. just that there's something made me moody.
frankly speaking, i was intended to go to the library ( district only, not very far from my house) to do my assignmentS plus perhaps finding some other useful sources. went there around 10, and guess what??
it was CLOSED!
what the heck??
closed during weekdays?come on lar, it's just the beginning of the week! monday, not sunday..
hmph.... lastly ended at kfc and later, to the secret recipe to ease my tense..
well, perhaps that has ruined my whole day mood. luckily a friend of mine, was a helping hand. she was with me, all day, helping me to find some sort of useful articles for me to do my other assignments. she is aisyah, my friend since my primary and still keep in touch up till now. now in uia doing foundation dentistry.
due to my moodiness that time, i sent few messages to my friends telling that i'm totally not very keen to continue my work. suddenly, yasmin called me and asked to know my actual condition and why i text her like that as if i was really meant what i have text her. i was quite, shock, and astonished that she would actually responded and she was really cared for me.. thank you min for that call.. tibe2 rase terharu lak~sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat!!
at the end of the evening, spent my spare time watching alvin and the chipmunks at aisyah's house, eating some more secret recipe's cake, for sure.
because of that, i had spent a sum of more than rm20 today just because of that. man, does it really true that whenever you're moody or what so ever, you'll spend more than you should? including gaining weight? luckily i'm in the underweight level. haha..
that's all for now.. jaa
guess that it's been quite some time since my last post.. sorry, dude.. connection to blogger problem ( i dunno whether this only happened to me or to others too)
i'm not saying that i'm not in the mood to post any entry today.. just that there's something made me moody.
frankly speaking, i was intended to go to the library ( district only, not very far from my house) to do my assignmentS plus perhaps finding some other useful sources. went there around 10, and guess what??
it was CLOSED!
what the heck??
closed during weekdays?come on lar, it's just the beginning of the week! monday, not sunday..
hmph.... lastly ended at kfc and later, to the secret recipe to ease my tense..
well, perhaps that has ruined my whole day mood. luckily a friend of mine, was a helping hand. she was with me, all day, helping me to find some sort of useful articles for me to do my other assignments. she is aisyah, my friend since my primary and still keep in touch up till now. now in uia doing foundation dentistry.
due to my moodiness that time, i sent few messages to my friends telling that i'm totally not very keen to continue my work. suddenly, yasmin called me and asked to know my actual condition and why i text her like that as if i was really meant what i have text her. i was quite, shock, and astonished that she would actually responded and she was really cared for me.. thank you min for that call.. tibe2 rase terharu lak~sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat!!
at the end of the evening, spent my spare time watching alvin and the chipmunks at aisyah's house, eating some more secret recipe's cake, for sure.
because of that, i had spent a sum of more than rm20 today just because of that. man, does it really true that whenever you're moody or what so ever, you'll spend more than you should? including gaining weight? luckily i'm in the underweight level. haha..
that's all for now.. jaa
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
sick day
10 in the morning, i had a break from the seminar. went to the canteen and bought some nuggets and i-dont-what-it's-called fillet. and a box of plain milk. does that oily food and dairy product mixed the bad match? i wonder why..
soon after recess, i've started to feel the symptoms. firstly, light sensitivity. checked. i found out in a sudden i was like very disturbed by the bright light in DKA. next, vision blurred. double checked. i could not stand the blurred condition that makes me not to wear my glasses the whole day after that. i'd also unable to read any text as it was too blurred. almost at the end of the seminar, yeah, the most painful yet strong symptoms occurred. i got a headache at the right-side of my head. that showed everything. my migraine is back. damn it..
the whole day after that was really a crap. during lds class, i could not stand the pain, which makes me quite pale and a bit dizzy. nausea too.luckily i did not vomit
at the moment i wrote this, still dizzy, but much better. thanks to all who were quite concerned about me. i'd really appreciates it. hopefully this will gone as soon as possible. i want to start doing my assignments without this disturbance.please let me do my assignment in one peace~
that's all.. daa
10 in the morning, i had a break from the seminar. went to the canteen and bought some nuggets and i-dont-what-it's-called fillet. and a box of plain milk. does that oily food and dairy product mixed the bad match? i wonder why..
soon after recess, i've started to feel the symptoms. firstly, light sensitivity. checked. i found out in a sudden i was like very disturbed by the bright light in DKA. next, vision blurred. double checked. i could not stand the blurred condition that makes me not to wear my glasses the whole day after that. i'd also unable to read any text as it was too blurred. almost at the end of the seminar, yeah, the most painful yet strong symptoms occurred. i got a headache at the right-side of my head. that showed everything. my migraine is back. damn it..
the whole day after that was really a crap. during lds class, i could not stand the pain, which makes me quite pale and a bit dizzy. nausea too.luckily i did not vomit
at the moment i wrote this, still dizzy, but much better. thanks to all who were quite concerned about me. i'd really appreciates it. hopefully this will gone as soon as possible. i want to start doing my assignments without this disturbance.please let me do my assignment in one peace~
that's all.. daa
Monday, March 2, 2009
assignments datang jua
waa, finally it came.. but not only one, unfortunately.. -.-"
will i ever able to improve this semester?
will i able to diminish all the negative habits of mine?
will i able to manage my time very wisely?
time will tell...
but hopefully, i could manage myself to do it better than last semester..
waa, finally it came.. but not only one, unfortunately.. -.-"
will i ever able to improve this semester?
will i able to diminish all the negative habits of mine?
will i able to manage my time very wisely?
time will tell...
but hopefully, i could manage myself to do it better than last semester..
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