siapa sangka
dalam masa yang sejenak
dua hati boleh bersatu
hati demi hati bertemu
maka terbinalah ukhuwah
dasarnya pada tujuan yang sama
ingin mengenal Islam sedalamnya
perbaiki kelemahan diri
menambah kefahaman hati
serta menambah kenalan
Allah Maha Mengetahui
lebih dari yang kita tahu
jika selama ini
kita tak pernah bertemu
tiada persamaan
hanya perbezaan
mungkinkah jauh di dasar hati
kerana Allah niat kita
dan kerana itulah kita bertemu?
"Ya Allah, Engkau mengetahui bahawa hati-hati ini telah berkumpul kerana mengasihiMu, bertemu untuk mematuhi perintahMu, bersatu memikul beban dakwahMu, hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syariatMu, maka eratkanlah Ya Allah akan ikatannya, kekalkanlah kemesraan antara hati-hati ini pada jalannya, penuhkanlah hati ini dengan cahaya RabbaniMu yang tidak kunjung malap, lapangkanlah hati ini dengan limpahan keimanan dan keindahan tawakal kepadaMu, hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini dengan makrifahMu, jika Engkau mentakdirkan kematian maka matikanlah pemilik hati ini sebagai para syuhada dalam perjuangan agamaMu. Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong. Ya Allah, perkenankanlah permintaan ini."
(doa rabithah)
p/s: specially dedicated to FUIYOian 2010... moga hati-hati ini terus subur mencari dan menerima tarbiyyah Allah :P
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
putihnya salji
Salji itu putih
ketibaannya ditunggu-tunggu
turunnya dinanti-nanti
suci, bersih dan tulus
bagai kain putih yang belum dicorakkan
bagai anak kecil yg sedia diajarkan iman dan islam
itulah hati yang seharusnya kita impikan
sekian lama ia turun
Jika tidak dijaga hati-hati itu,
lenyaplah kesaljuannya
hilanglah kesuciannya
jadilah ia sehitam legam arang
yg kotor dipijak-pijak di jalanan
tatkala melicinkan, menyukarkan
pergerakan si pejalan kaki
hargailah ia selagi ia putih
jagalah ia agar tidak kotor
dan kekalkanlah ia agar tidak hilang kesuciannya
ketibaannya ditunggu-tunggu
turunnya dinanti-nanti
suci, bersih dan tulus
bagai kain putih yang belum dicorakkan
bagai anak kecil yg sedia diajarkan iman dan islam
itulah hati yang seharusnya kita impikan
sekian lama ia turun
Jika tidak dijaga hati-hati itu,
lenyaplah kesaljuannya
hilanglah kesuciannya
jadilah ia sehitam legam arang
yg kotor dipijak-pijak di jalanan
tatkala melicinkan, menyukarkan
pergerakan si pejalan kaki
hargailah ia selagi ia putih
jagalah ia agar tidak kotor
dan kekalkanlah ia agar tidak hilang kesuciannya
Saturday, December 18, 2010
aku dengan caraku
aku ada kemahuan
tapi banyak kelemahan
lebih dari kelebihan
nak sampaikan maklumat
tapi kurang isi
kurang referens
kalau akademik dah sah gagal
bukan kepakaranku
menghafal dan mengingat
tapi mungkin
ini caraku luahkan
jika salah kata
silap tafsiran
sila betulkan
p/s: bebelan malam sebelum travel
tapi banyak kelemahan
lebih dari kelebihan
nak sampaikan maklumat
tapi kurang isi
kurang referens
kalau akademik dah sah gagal
bukan kepakaranku
menghafal dan mengingat
tapi mungkin
ini caraku luahkan
jika salah kata
silap tafsiran
sila betulkan
p/s: bebelan malam sebelum travel
Friday, December 17, 2010
siapa kata??
siapa kata Islam itu susah?
banyak rukhsahnya,
pelbagai cara kemudahannya
siapa kata tiada masjid
tak boleh solat?
solat boleh dimana-mana
tak kira berdiri atau duduk
ikut keadaan ikut tempat
siapa kata tiada air
tak boleh ambil wudu'?
boleh khuf mahupun tayammum
tepuk-tepuk dah boleh solat
sah pula tu
itulah kita
belajar hanya untuk tahu
hanya untuk diluah dikertas
tapi tak tahu untuk amal
jom kita check balik
pastikan ilmu yang ada diamal
apa yang tahu disebar
agar sama-sama jadi orang yang beruntung
" Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap diri memperhatikan apa yang telah diperbuatnya untuk hari esok (akhirat), dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan " (59:18)
banyak rukhsahnya,
pelbagai cara kemudahannya
siapa kata tiada masjid
tak boleh solat?
solat boleh dimana-mana
tak kira berdiri atau duduk
ikut keadaan ikut tempat
siapa kata tiada air
tak boleh ambil wudu'?
boleh khuf mahupun tayammum
tepuk-tepuk dah boleh solat
sah pula tu
itulah kita
belajar hanya untuk tahu
hanya untuk diluah dikertas
tapi tak tahu untuk amal
jom kita check balik
pastikan ilmu yang ada diamal
apa yang tahu disebar
agar sama-sama jadi orang yang beruntung
" Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap diri memperhatikan apa yang telah diperbuatnya untuk hari esok (akhirat), dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan " (59:18)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
salam wbt and hi
jom kita fikirkan~
Allah dah ciptakan alam
banyak haiwan kita boleh
sembelih dan makan
banyak sayur kita boleh ratah
banyak buah yang selamat dikunyah
xpayah rasa ragu2
kalau niat baik je dah dapat pahala
apatah lagi kalau buat
dosa lak hanya dikira kalau dikerjakan
solat sendirian dapat pahala
solat berjemaah 27 kali ganda
apa lagi yang kita mahu?
xcukup lagi ke nikmat yang Allah dah bagi?
sihat kita lebih banyak dari sakit,
kenyang kita lagi lama dari lapar
diuji sikit, merungut hyperbola
kalau nabi yang lagi berganda2 ujiannya,
apalah sangat kita sebagai umat?
cuba tengok (55:13)
agak2 ada ter'Zass' x?
jom kita fikirkan~
Allah dah ciptakan alam
banyak haiwan kita boleh
sembelih dan makan
banyak sayur kita boleh ratah
banyak buah yang selamat dikunyah
xpayah rasa ragu2
kalau niat baik je dah dapat pahala
apatah lagi kalau buat
dosa lak hanya dikira kalau dikerjakan
solat sendirian dapat pahala
solat berjemaah 27 kali ganda
apa lagi yang kita mahu?
xcukup lagi ke nikmat yang Allah dah bagi?
sihat kita lebih banyak dari sakit,
kenyang kita lagi lama dari lapar
diuji sikit, merungut hyperbola
kalau nabi yang lagi berganda2 ujiannya,
apalah sangat kita sebagai umat?
cuba tengok (55:13)
agak2 ada ter'Zass' x?
oh dear
who says that studying abroad is easy?
it seems enjoyable and fun,
but the obstacles are rather challenging
further in a distance
a shelter
where we live under
shields us from the hot sunny rays
the chilly cold wind (and snow?)
and all that could happen
to find a house
without parents to guarantee
deciding on owns mind
which still immature
still need guidance
is definitely a struggle
who says overseas students are rich?
our rent is higher than our living cost
that it's actually covers more
so funny that they gave us a 'C'
just because we're in towns
outskirt of the cities
even cities are more reasonable
Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir
O Allah, help us with Your guidance
strengthen our heart to always be near You
help us to go through
for every obstacles You'd like to test
who says that studying abroad is easy?
it seems enjoyable and fun,
but the obstacles are rather challenging
further in a distance
a shelter
where we live under
shields us from the hot sunny rays
the chilly cold wind (and snow?)
and all that could happen
to find a house
without parents to guarantee
deciding on owns mind
which still immature
still need guidance
is definitely a struggle
who says overseas students are rich?
our rent is higher than our living cost
that it's actually covers more
so funny that they gave us a 'C'
just because we're in towns
outskirt of the cities
even cities are more reasonable
Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir
O Allah, help us with Your guidance
strengthen our heart to always be near You
help us to go through
for every obstacles You'd like to test
Monday, November 29, 2010
of poetry
tak ke pelik?
orang yang seringkali menitipkan kata-kata puitis sajak berirama
tak mampu menafsir nukilan orang lain?
baru perasan
blog ni memang kaya dengan sajak-sajak
yang mungkin merepek ayam dan mengarut parut
tapi, bila masa menganalisa poetry orang putih
rasa macam tak pernah mengerti langsung
jom perkasakan bahasa!
mari perbanyakkan vocab!
perhaluskan pemikiran~
orang yang seringkali menitipkan kata-kata puitis sajak berirama
tak mampu menafsir nukilan orang lain?
baru perasan
blog ni memang kaya dengan sajak-sajak
yang mungkin merepek ayam dan mengarut parut
tapi, bila masa menganalisa poetry orang putih
rasa macam tak pernah mengerti langsung
jom perkasakan bahasa!
mari perbanyakkan vocab!
perhaluskan pemikiran~
Saturday, November 27, 2010
it just came out
when life gets tough
we just simply quit
but we never stops
when we're achieving success
does that makes sense?
of life is never ends
of quitting and achieving
but have we ever thought of
for whom we're succeeding for
and the reasons why
we almost failed
it is a test
to show our devotion
to show how we
hold onto our faith
how hopeless we are
without His mercy
p/s: okay, i'm crapping now... penangan esaimen, mungkin sekali*
when life gets tough
we just simply quit
but we never stops
when we're achieving success
does that makes sense?
of life is never ends
of quitting and achieving
but have we ever thought of
for whom we're succeeding for
and the reasons why
we almost failed
it is a test
to show our devotion
to show how we
hold onto our faith
how hopeless we are
without His mercy
p/s: okay, i'm crapping now... penangan esaimen, mungkin sekali*
Saturday, November 20, 2010
sukar untuk kita luahkan
perasaan dihati
yang mampu hanyalah
tangisan tanpa kata
kulihat sekeliling
indah, damai, tenang
tapi taufan dihati
tak mampu menyuara kata
berkongsi sebaiknya
dimanakah kau bilaku perlukan
dekat tapi jauh
rapat tapi tidak
sehati tapi tidak serasi
tetapkanlah hatiku
agar tabah seadanya
agar kuat sentiasa
untukku terus bertahan
sukar untuk kita luahkan
perasaan dihati
yang mampu hanyalah
tangisan tanpa kata
kulihat sekeliling
indah, damai, tenang
tapi taufan dihati
tak mampu menyuara kata
berkongsi sebaiknya
dimanakah kau bilaku perlukan
dekat tapi jauh
rapat tapi tidak
sehati tapi tidak serasi
tetapkanlah hatiku
agar tabah seadanya
agar kuat sentiasa
untukku terus bertahan
Thursday, November 18, 2010
tabahlah wahai hati
pengalaman mendewasakan kita
mengajar susah senang berkehidupan
menguji tahap rasional
keimanan dan perasaan
keperitan hidup
menguji kita
adakah kita bergantung padaNya
hanya disaat susah?
adakah kita benar-benar
menghargai kesusahan itu?
bila kita bersenang gembira
ingatilah kesilapan lalu
seraya berkata
"oh, saya pernah harungi semua itu. dan tanpa pertolongan Allah yang Maha Esa, tak mungkin saya mampu berdiri seperti sekarang"
p/s: Allah menurunkan musibah kerana ada hikmah yang lebih baik bagi kita. Berdoalah agar kita tabah menempuh musibah kerana Allah lebih mengetahui. Insya'allah
mengajar susah senang berkehidupan
menguji tahap rasional
keimanan dan perasaan
keperitan hidup
menguji kita
adakah kita bergantung padaNya
hanya disaat susah?
adakah kita benar-benar
menghargai kesusahan itu?
bila kita bersenang gembira
ingatilah kesilapan lalu
seraya berkata
"oh, saya pernah harungi semua itu. dan tanpa pertolongan Allah yang Maha Esa, tak mungkin saya mampu berdiri seperti sekarang"
p/s: Allah menurunkan musibah kerana ada hikmah yang lebih baik bagi kita. Berdoalah agar kita tabah menempuh musibah kerana Allah lebih mengetahui. Insya'allah
Sunday, November 14, 2010
the journey has just begun
there's lot more to learn
lots more to ponder upon
endless to grab and practise with
just to get near Him
ilmu Allah itu luas
takkan habis dipelajari
walau sepanjang hayat
slow but steady
consistency is what I need
itu yang aku perlukan
there's lot more to learn
lots more to ponder upon
endless to grab and practise with
just to get near Him
ilmu Allah itu luas
takkan habis dipelajari
walau sepanjang hayat
slow but steady
consistency is what I need
itu yang aku perlukan
Saturday, November 13, 2010
makin lama kat bumi UK ni, macam2 benda baru perasan. macam2 benda baru tau. baru tersedar diri pun dah banyak berubah. baik luaran mahupun dalaman. hati rasa tenteram, tapi pada masa sama rasa serba tak lengkap.
adakah ini homesick?
adakah ini culture shock?
ataupun aku yang masih meng'adjust' diri?
dekat tapi jauh
rapat tapi tidak
adakah ini homesick?
adakah ini culture shock?
ataupun aku yang masih meng'adjust' diri?
dekat tapi jauh
rapat tapi tidak
Friday, November 12, 2010
menjadi diriku
Tak seperti bintang di langit
Tak seperti indah pelangi
Karena diriku bukanlah mereka
Ku apa adanya
Dan wajahku memang begini
Sikapku jelas tak sempurna
Ku akui ku bukanlah mereka
Ku apa adanya
Menjadi diriku
Dengan segala kekurangan
Menjadi diriku
Atas kelebihanku.......
Terimalah aku
Seperti apa adanya
Aku hanya insan biasa
Ku pun tak sempurna
Tetap ku bangga
Atas apa yang ku punya
Setiap waktu ku nikmati
Anugerah hidup yang ku miliki
p/s: adakah aku mampu harungi semuanya?
Friday, November 5, 2010
i see the light
without them
i wouldn't be like now
wouldn't chase the knowledge
the sharing that they held
without them
i may still lost
lost of finding my own
of my faith and belief
Oh Allah
I praised You
for giving me the chance
to meet such loving sisters
that helped me through
to find myself
inside and out
i wouldn't be like now
wouldn't chase the knowledge
the sharing that they held
without them
i may still lost
lost of finding my own
of my faith and belief
Oh Allah
I praised You
for giving me the chance
to meet such loving sisters
that helped me through
to find myself
inside and out
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
ini satu permulaan
dibumi asing
kondisi berbeza
adat bagai langit dan bumi
Islam adalah minoriti
tapi disinilah
peluang terbuka luas
hanya perlu pilih dan serta
menyingkap segala yang tertinggal
yang tak pernah dihargai
yang pernah diabaikan
inilah perjalananku
meniti ilmu yang terbentang
yang lama tak terpahat
yang baru tak tercatat
masih banyak perlu dikaji
agar diri tidak terpedaya
agar tidak mudah percaya
dengan desas desus yang menipu
ya Allah
kritiskan mindaku
perhalusi fikiranku
kuatkan daya ingatanku
agar segala yang dipelajari
kekal untul diamalkan
dan tepat untuk disampaikan
dibumi asing
kondisi berbeza
adat bagai langit dan bumi
Islam adalah minoriti
tapi disinilah
peluang terbuka luas
hanya perlu pilih dan serta
menyingkap segala yang tertinggal
yang tak pernah dihargai
yang pernah diabaikan
inilah perjalananku
meniti ilmu yang terbentang
yang lama tak terpahat
yang baru tak tercatat
masih banyak perlu dikaji
agar diri tidak terpedaya
agar tidak mudah percaya
dengan desas desus yang menipu
ya Allah
kritiskan mindaku
perhalusi fikiranku
kuatkan daya ingatanku
agar segala yang dipelajari
kekal untul diamalkan
dan tepat untuk disampaikan
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
PERGH edisi London
salam and hi
selesai sudah reading week yang lebih banyak dihabiskan dengan berjalan2 menikmati keindahan alam. reading tetap reading... pusing pusing canterbury, weekends pulak pergi PERGH! mmg PERGHHH!!!~
PERGH stands for Professional Muslims Retreat in GB... bertempat di Imperial College, London ( tempat gempak punyer~) sehari suntuk kami bermarathon dengar ceramah ustaz Aminuraasyid Yatiban dari Dundee(kalo xsilap).. letih tu, letih jugak, tapi letih yang bermanfaat, insya'allah~
saya bukanlah orang yang pandai mengulas balik isi2 pengisian ni.. jadi, segala apa yang dicoretkan hanyalah dari sudut pandangan saya yang masih merangkak-rangkak dan perlahan-lahan menyerap segala input *ala-ala sponge serap air*
pada pandangan kalian, ape yang anda faham tentang profesional? doktor2 yang hensem mensem? engineer2 yang pandai2? arkitek2 yang hebat lagi mantop?
profesional disini yang dimaksudkan lebih kepada pencapaian atau tahap kita pada seuatu standard.. adakah kita sudah mencapai standard itu? secara spesifik, adakah kita benar2 sudah mencapai standard sebagai seorang Muslim profesional?

the greatest asset of being a true muslim is the Akidah Islamiyyah.. akidah yakni kepercayaan yang tersimpul teguh dalam hati, jiwa dan pemikiran yang membolehkan kehidupan kita lebih terarah dan terpimpin... jauh sekali dari terpesong.. kan bagus kalau kita tau, jalan yang kita pilih ni, straight jer.. xde bengkang bengkok...
"Tidak ada paksa dalam ugama (Islam), kerana sesungguhnya telah nyata kebenaran (Islam) dari kesesatan (kufur). Oleh itu, sesiapa yang tidak percayakan Taghut, dan ia pula beriman kepada Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia berpegang kepada simpulan (tali ugama) yang teguh, yang tidak akan putus. Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui. " (Al-Baqarah, ayat 256)
antara keempat-empat sesi, sesi yang paling akhir merupakan sesi yang paling terkesan sekali kot. sebab ape? sebab da nak habis? sebab nak jalan2? sebab dah xlarat nak dengar ceramah lagi? haaaa... sebab suka hati saya laaa~
aha... jawapannye.... sebab tajuk topik tu pun dah agak best! "yakin Islam pasti menang"... haa.... sape yang taknak Islam bangkit balik kan.. lagi2 time akhir zaman macam sekarang ni... alangkah indahnya kalau iqamatudden atau dalam kata lain, menegakkan atau meletakkan agama Allah dalam semua perkara, dapat dipraktikkan kembali~ kan ker best camtuh? Islam is the way of life, bukan sekadar puasa, solat 5 waktu and zakat semata2.. saya bagi contoh Malaysia, memang diiktiraf negara Islam.. tapi, adakah umat Islam seluruhnya mengamalkan Islam yang sebenar? kalau betul umat mengamalkan ajaran Islam yang betul, kenapa kes2 buang bayi luar nikah, zina, rata2 orang Melayu,?? adekah islam mereka hanya pada IC semata2? *erk, ter'emo' pula*
okeh, back to the topic. kalau dulu kita lihat betapa hebatnya umat zaman kegemilangan Islam sanggup berjihad untuk menyebarkan agama, apa pulak peranan kita sebagai umat akhir zaman ni untuk berusaha sebarkan pada orang-orang sekaliling kita?

haaaa... kat sini ada diterangkan beberapa langkah yang boleh kita mulakan dari sekarang.. ye, sekarang.... cepat2! jangan tertinggal kat belakang... jom semua join amalkannya~
step 1:
- proses kita kembali kepada Allah,
step 2:
TOGETHERNESS (kebersamaan)
-xde orang yang mampu untuk berdiri sorang2. Nabi berjuang secara berjemaah dan bukan sorang2.. ade ke dia gi perang sorang2? tak kan? dia berjuang bersama2 orang2 mukmin yang punyai tujaun yang sama, iatu ingin menegakkan agama Allah.. dalam konteks kita pulak, kita boleh ajak ramai kawan2 untuk solat berjemaaah, berusrah dan berdiskusi hal agama ke... banyak kepala so banyak idea boleh dapat... secara tak langsung, kita dapat tarik lagi ramai orang untuk lebih aware tentang perkembangan Islam semasa.. x gitu?
step 3:
-ilmu Allah terbentang luas.. tinggal kita hambanya je yang nak kena grab ilmu yang ada tu. seek for the knowledge. macam mana nak cari? selalu2 la geng2 dengan orang2 yang pandai agama ke, selalu buat tadabbur ke, bahan bacaan, berlambak je kot kat kedai2... tinggal pilih, dan baca.. dan amalkan apa yang dipelajari, itu yang penting.
step 4:
ITQAN (bersungguh-sungguh/serius)
-bila kita nak pastikan Islam naik kembali, kena la serius kan... benda takkan jadi kalau kita main-main. dah serius tu,sentiasa lah beristiqamah, jangan lah bermusim pulak ikut mood.. hari ni serius, esok main-main.. xkan jadi kalau macam tu..
step 5:
-renungkan apa sumbangan kita hari ni untuk Islam.
-adakah amalan kita hari ni agak2nye, banyak dosa ke banyak pahala? adakah kita puas hati dengan pencapaian kita hari ni?
renungkan tenungkan dan refleksi diri....
eh, da habis laaa slot pengisian~ haaa... habis slot, bepusu2lah kami ke Finsbury Park, dekat2 Arsenal gitu... tido semalam di masjid pun 1 pengalaman menarik... apatah lagi semua pun bergelimpangan tido di segenap pelosok ruang dengan sleeping bag masing2... bukan senang tau nak ada pengalaman ni.. kalau kat malaysia, pandang masjid tu xpernah la plak kan nak tumpang tido kat situ.. ke ade yang pernah? *sape pernah angkat kaki*
keesokan hari, meronda2 london sampai lenjun kena hujan dan akhirnya makan di MSD... dan disitulah pertemuan terakhir bagi rata2 peserta PERGH edisi pertama...

p/s: ini hanyalah dari pandangan saya, berbekalkan daya ingatan yang kurang nak ingat dan nota yang tak seberapa, jadi ini lah menu yang mampu saya sajikan.. andai ada tersalah fakta mahupun auta, jangan segan dan cepat2 la betulkan agar tak jadi ajaran sesat pulak nanti....
selesai sudah reading week yang lebih banyak dihabiskan dengan berjalan2 menikmati keindahan alam. reading tetap reading... pusing pusing canterbury, weekends pulak pergi PERGH! mmg PERGHHH!!!~
PERGH stands for Professional Muslims Retreat in GB... bertempat di Imperial College, London ( tempat gempak punyer~) sehari suntuk kami bermarathon dengar ceramah ustaz Aminuraasyid Yatiban dari Dundee(kalo xsilap).. letih tu, letih jugak, tapi letih yang bermanfaat, insya'allah~
saya bukanlah orang yang pandai mengulas balik isi2 pengisian ni.. jadi, segala apa yang dicoretkan hanyalah dari sudut pandangan saya yang masih merangkak-rangkak dan perlahan-lahan menyerap segala input *ala-ala sponge serap air*
pada pandangan kalian, ape yang anda faham tentang profesional? doktor2 yang hensem mensem? engineer2 yang pandai2? arkitek2 yang hebat lagi mantop?
profesional disini yang dimaksudkan lebih kepada pencapaian atau tahap kita pada seuatu standard.. adakah kita sudah mencapai standard itu? secara spesifik, adakah kita benar2 sudah mencapai standard sebagai seorang Muslim profesional?
the greatest asset of being a true muslim is the Akidah Islamiyyah.. akidah yakni kepercayaan yang tersimpul teguh dalam hati, jiwa dan pemikiran yang membolehkan kehidupan kita lebih terarah dan terpimpin... jauh sekali dari terpesong.. kan bagus kalau kita tau, jalan yang kita pilih ni, straight jer.. xde bengkang bengkok...
"Tidak ada paksa dalam ugama (Islam), kerana sesungguhnya telah nyata kebenaran (Islam) dari kesesatan (kufur). Oleh itu, sesiapa yang tidak percayakan Taghut, dan ia pula beriman kepada Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia berpegang kepada simpulan (tali ugama) yang teguh, yang tidak akan putus. Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui. " (Al-Baqarah, ayat 256)
antara keempat-empat sesi, sesi yang paling akhir merupakan sesi yang paling terkesan sekali kot. sebab ape? sebab da nak habis? sebab nak jalan2? sebab dah xlarat nak dengar ceramah lagi? haaaa... sebab suka hati saya laaa~
aha... jawapannye.... sebab tajuk topik tu pun dah agak best! "yakin Islam pasti menang"... haa.... sape yang taknak Islam bangkit balik kan.. lagi2 time akhir zaman macam sekarang ni... alangkah indahnya kalau iqamatudden atau dalam kata lain, menegakkan atau meletakkan agama Allah dalam semua perkara, dapat dipraktikkan kembali~ kan ker best camtuh? Islam is the way of life, bukan sekadar puasa, solat 5 waktu and zakat semata2.. saya bagi contoh Malaysia, memang diiktiraf negara Islam.. tapi, adakah umat Islam seluruhnya mengamalkan Islam yang sebenar? kalau betul umat mengamalkan ajaran Islam yang betul, kenapa kes2 buang bayi luar nikah, zina, rata2 orang Melayu,?? adekah islam mereka hanya pada IC semata2? *erk, ter'emo' pula*
okeh, back to the topic. kalau dulu kita lihat betapa hebatnya umat zaman kegemilangan Islam sanggup berjihad untuk menyebarkan agama, apa pulak peranan kita sebagai umat akhir zaman ni untuk berusaha sebarkan pada orang-orang sekaliling kita?
haaaa... kat sini ada diterangkan beberapa langkah yang boleh kita mulakan dari sekarang.. ye, sekarang.... cepat2! jangan tertinggal kat belakang... jom semua join amalkannya~
step 1:
- proses kita kembali kepada Allah,
step 2:
TOGETHERNESS (kebersamaan)
-xde orang yang mampu untuk berdiri sorang2. Nabi berjuang secara berjemaah dan bukan sorang2.. ade ke dia gi perang sorang2? tak kan? dia berjuang bersama2 orang2 mukmin yang punyai tujaun yang sama, iatu ingin menegakkan agama Allah.. dalam konteks kita pulak, kita boleh ajak ramai kawan2 untuk solat berjemaaah, berusrah dan berdiskusi hal agama ke... banyak kepala so banyak idea boleh dapat... secara tak langsung, kita dapat tarik lagi ramai orang untuk lebih aware tentang perkembangan Islam semasa.. x gitu?
step 3:
-ilmu Allah terbentang luas.. tinggal kita hambanya je yang nak kena grab ilmu yang ada tu. seek for the knowledge. macam mana nak cari? selalu2 la geng2 dengan orang2 yang pandai agama ke, selalu buat tadabbur ke, bahan bacaan, berlambak je kot kat kedai2... tinggal pilih, dan baca.. dan amalkan apa yang dipelajari, itu yang penting.
step 4:
ITQAN (bersungguh-sungguh/serius)
-bila kita nak pastikan Islam naik kembali, kena la serius kan... benda takkan jadi kalau kita main-main. dah serius tu,sentiasa lah beristiqamah, jangan lah bermusim pulak ikut mood.. hari ni serius, esok main-main.. xkan jadi kalau macam tu..
step 5:
-renungkan apa sumbangan kita hari ni untuk Islam.
-adakah amalan kita hari ni agak2nye, banyak dosa ke banyak pahala? adakah kita puas hati dengan pencapaian kita hari ni?
renungkan tenungkan dan refleksi diri....
eh, da habis laaa slot pengisian~ haaa... habis slot, bepusu2lah kami ke Finsbury Park, dekat2 Arsenal gitu... tido semalam di masjid pun 1 pengalaman menarik... apatah lagi semua pun bergelimpangan tido di segenap pelosok ruang dengan sleeping bag masing2... bukan senang tau nak ada pengalaman ni.. kalau kat malaysia, pandang masjid tu xpernah la plak kan nak tumpang tido kat situ.. ke ade yang pernah? *sape pernah angkat kaki*
keesokan hari, meronda2 london sampai lenjun kena hujan dan akhirnya makan di MSD... dan disitulah pertemuan terakhir bagi rata2 peserta PERGH edisi pertama...
p/s: ini hanyalah dari pandangan saya, berbekalkan daya ingatan yang kurang nak ingat dan nota yang tak seberapa, jadi ini lah menu yang mampu saya sajikan.. andai ada tersalah fakta mahupun auta, jangan segan dan cepat2 la betulkan agar tak jadi ajaran sesat pulak nanti....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
BioBlitz Volunteering
salam and hi~
last saturday i went for my very first volunteering..... it was an event held at Hamsbrook Marshes, outskirt of Canterbury where we identifying species of plants and insects (something to do with the biodiversity)
i volunteered myself to photograph during the event.. me and fasieyhah indirectly wanted to improve our skills in photography so we went for bird-watching with another two volunteers.. it was pleasant to be part of the nature; watch the birds fly, the plants wavering due to the windy day and insects where we never seem to bother before.
it was a great experience~
subhanallah, Allah has created such wonderful species that fill the land of His creation... calm, peaceful and such grateful feeling l had when i was there, walking and breathing the fresh air... :P
i've even made my very first video attempt about this event.. a collection of pictures that amused me till now... enjoy~
last saturday i went for my very first volunteering..... it was an event held at Hamsbrook Marshes, outskirt of Canterbury where we identifying species of plants and insects (something to do with the biodiversity)
i volunteered myself to photograph during the event.. me and fasieyhah indirectly wanted to improve our skills in photography so we went for bird-watching with another two volunteers.. it was pleasant to be part of the nature; watch the birds fly, the plants wavering due to the windy day and insects where we never seem to bother before.
it was a great experience~
subhanallah, Allah has created such wonderful species that fill the land of His creation... calm, peaceful and such grateful feeling l had when i was there, walking and breathing the fresh air... :P
i've even made my very first video attempt about this event.. a collection of pictures that amused me till now... enjoy~
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
its cold out here!
currently at 12.44 in the morning, the fire alarm AGAIN rings its melody... and it awakes me from my beauty sleep.. with the temperature of about 6 celcius, it is challenging to stay outside with our thin-layered pyjamas waiting for the officer and switch off the alarm...
semua pun menggigil2 kesejukan... sabar je laa...
semua pun menggigil2 kesejukan... sabar je laa...
Monday, October 18, 2010
choosing is part of life
making decision is more precise
but to choose a decision
will make you wise
two different things
one is differ to another
to choose the right one
will make me think
of being analytical
or being critical
to see based on observation
to hold on true facts
will it be the founsation of thinking?
to accept the one we've chosen
is another thing
so we won't regret
because the one
will change the whole lot of you
making decision is more precise
but to choose a decision
will make you wise
two different things
one is differ to another
to choose the right one
will make me think
of being analytical
or being critical
to see based on observation
to hold on true facts
will it be the founsation of thinking?
to accept the one we've chosen
is another thing
so we won't regret
because the one
will change the whole lot of you
Friday, October 15, 2010
being strangers
we feel lonely
no family to support
only friends by our side
with them
we feel safe
we feel secure
we feel like home
like brothers and sisters
the bond
is growing slowly
and will be stronger
we set up the community
and fills in between
so there's no gap
no hole or leak
p/s: terharu tengok budak2 ni buat derma nak tolong member beli equipment untuk notts games nanti :P
we feel lonely
no family to support
only friends by our side
with them
we feel safe
we feel secure
we feel like home
like brothers and sisters
the bond
is growing slowly
and will be stronger
we set up the community
and fills in between
so there's no gap
no hole or leak
p/s: terharu tengok budak2 ni buat derma nak tolong member beli equipment untuk notts games nanti :P
of diary and buku conteng2
"do you have a diary?"
" no we don't"
looking ackward, he continues...
"that's pretty bad.. i thought i want you to take down some notes for our replacements...."
"oooOOOOOOO!!" all at once and all burst into laughter..
p/s: ala2 camni laaa dialog tu... maap xberapa nak ingat..
kadang-kadang, perbezaan terms2 yang kita guna sama sekali tak sama dengan mereka..
kitorang punye la pulun ingat diari yang dok terperam segale rahsia feeling2 kite, rupenye dia nak kitorang masukkan tarikh untuk kelas ganti nanti.... adei2.. kami pakai buku conteng-conteng je... xmampu nak beli diari... :P
" no we don't"
looking ackward, he continues...
"that's pretty bad.. i thought i want you to take down some notes for our replacements...."
"oooOOOOOOO!!" all at once and all burst into laughter..
p/s: ala2 camni laaa dialog tu... maap xberapa nak ingat..
kadang-kadang, perbezaan terms2 yang kita guna sama sekali tak sama dengan mereka..
kitorang punye la pulun ingat diari yang dok terperam segale rahsia feeling2 kite, rupenye dia nak kitorang masukkan tarikh untuk kelas ganti nanti.... adei2.. kami pakai buku conteng-conteng je... xmampu nak beli diari... :P
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thats Whats Friends Are For
i miss you~
*tibe2 touching lak malam2 ni*
this song is specially dedicated to all my friends,
to those who has been through thick and thin with me
sweet memories, and the bad ones
that actually strengthens our bond
i miss you guys!
Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends are For
And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well, then close your eyes and try to feel
The way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Well, you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
Whoa, and then for the times when we're apart
Well, then close your eyes and know
These words are comin' from my heart
And then if you can remember, oh
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times, in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Oh, that's what friends are for
Whoa... oh... oh... keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, oh, for sure
'Cause I tell you that's what friends are for
For good times and for bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for (That's what friends are for)
On me, for sure
That's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
*tibe2 touching lak malam2 ni*
this song is specially dedicated to all my friends,
to those who has been through thick and thin with me
sweet memories, and the bad ones
that actually strengthens our bond
i miss you guys!
Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends are For
And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well, then close your eyes and try to feel
The way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Well, you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
Whoa, and then for the times when we're apart
Well, then close your eyes and know
These words are comin' from my heart
And then if you can remember, oh
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times, in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Oh, that's what friends are for
Whoa... oh... oh... keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, oh, for sure
'Cause I tell you that's what friends are for
For good times and for bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for (That's what friends are for)
On me, for sure
That's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Thursday, October 7, 2010
is like a sister
when the little sister needs her
she'll be there
when the little sister is in confusion
she comforts her
when the little sister is being playful
she's always watching over her
entertain her as possible
giving advice if appropriate...
and yes, this little sister is glad to call you, her sister... ^_^
is like a sister
when the little sister needs her
she'll be there
when the little sister is in confusion
she comforts her
when the little sister is being playful
she's always watching over her
entertain her as possible
giving advice if appropriate...
and yes, this little sister is glad to call you, her sister... ^_^
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
speak out!
salam and hi
joining in societies enables me to know lots more new people. as i am in st john's ambulance and taekwondo club, i have met (and had conversation with) a few people of different background, and different courses, for sure.
most of them have never heard across the word 'malaysia'. yeah, pretty sad for me to say because our country is sooo limited and tiny to be as famous as the united states or japan as part of their general knowledge *same goes to me if you ask me about other countries*
so far, it's great to be joining them, but the one thing we also run away from, is to join their social gathering/event. their way to socialise is mainy going to the pub and hang around with some theme costumes and all. lets say, this week's theme is cops and robbers, so the following week will be mexican theme, so you'll have to dress like one. the temptation to join is there, but it is truly not a malaysian (or should i say malay's) culture. so before i get into something i shouldn't be doing, it's better to avoid (mamabear,2010).
oh yeah, before i forgot, i made a record~ me, emkay, imah and syara had a lift by a local. we met her during the practise and because she was all alone, we invited her to join us and training together. after the session, we chat for a while when she asked where do we stayed. and that's the time she offered us a lift since she's driving her own car to the sports centre. for me, that was a cool experience, i would say. this is what you get when you have lots of networking.
so, the moral of the story for me, is that i should keep on connecting with international friends, in appropriate way (that's for sure) so that i'll benefit the best of it. i have to talk more and be less shy as i am today ( in terms of to speak out in the class and creating conversation ).. insya'allah~
joining in societies enables me to know lots more new people. as i am in st john's ambulance and taekwondo club, i have met (and had conversation with) a few people of different background, and different courses, for sure.
most of them have never heard across the word 'malaysia'. yeah, pretty sad for me to say because our country is sooo limited and tiny to be as famous as the united states or japan as part of their general knowledge *same goes to me if you ask me about other countries*
so far, it's great to be joining them, but the one thing we also run away from, is to join their social gathering/event. their way to socialise is mainy going to the pub and hang around with some theme costumes and all. lets say, this week's theme is cops and robbers, so the following week will be mexican theme, so you'll have to dress like one. the temptation to join is there, but it is truly not a malaysian (or should i say malay's) culture. so before i get into something i shouldn't be doing, it's better to avoid (mamabear,2010).
oh yeah, before i forgot, i made a record~ me, emkay, imah and syara had a lift by a local. we met her during the practise and because she was all alone, we invited her to join us and training together. after the session, we chat for a while when she asked where do we stayed. and that's the time she offered us a lift since she's driving her own car to the sports centre. for me, that was a cool experience, i would say. this is what you get when you have lots of networking.
so, the moral of the story for me, is that i should keep on connecting with international friends, in appropriate way (that's for sure) so that i'll benefit the best of it. i have to talk more and be less shy as i am today ( in terms of to speak out in the class and creating conversation ).. insya'allah~
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
men in white
salam and hi~
this morning i went to the town to celebrate my housemate's birthday. soon after that, we had a walk till we found this.
i think this is quite unusual to be found in malaysia. but it is pretty fun and there are lots of street performances such as that, singing at the street and so on so forth..
so, enjoy!
this morning i went to the town to celebrate my housemate's birthday. soon after that, we had a walk till we found this.
i think this is quite unusual to be found in malaysia. but it is pretty fun and there are lots of street performances such as that, singing at the street and so on so forth..
so, enjoy!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
whole new experience
salam and hi
well, this might be a slight turning point or should i say,a new challenge for me...
so, this is it...
for this term, i will be..... the CLASS REPRESENTATIVE, together with daniel.. we've been 'victimized' and nominated by the rest of the group 2... (note: ogy, grrrr~)
so until now, i'm trying to be positive with it.. well, this would be a big opportunity for me to improve my speaking skills and others too.. right???
in a nutshell, i hope this year around will be a great time for me to enhance and improve.. insya'allah... may Allah ease everything we do~
well, this might be a slight turning point or should i say,a new challenge for me...
so, this is it...
for this term, i will be..... the CLASS REPRESENTATIVE, together with daniel.. we've been 'victimized' and nominated by the rest of the group 2... (note: ogy, grrrr~)
so until now, i'm trying to be positive with it.. well, this would be a big opportunity for me to improve my speaking skills and others too.. right???
in a nutshell, i hope this year around will be a great time for me to enhance and improve.. insya'allah... may Allah ease everything we do~
bacaan yasin
salam and hi

just recently, my house ( 13 freeman) has just hosted a yasin recital. quite a number of us have joined the event this evening after the maghrib prayer.
after the recital, we had a bit of taaruf together with kak zu, kak hafizah and anis (king's college london, if not mistaken) and shared few tips and life experiences as a student and as muslims in the UK.
along the line, we had some snacks as well ( or should we consider it as supper??)
well, that's all for now. other news from here, canterbury will be posted later (with regards of my ample time and kerajinan) :P
just recently, my house ( 13 freeman) has just hosted a yasin recital. quite a number of us have joined the event this evening after the maghrib prayer.
after the recital, we had a bit of taaruf together with kak zu, kak hafizah and anis (king's college london, if not mistaken) and shared few tips and life experiences as a student and as muslims in the UK.
along the line, we had some snacks as well ( or should we consider it as supper??)
well, that's all for now. other news from here, canterbury will be posted later (with regards of my ample time and kerajinan) :P
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
when the fire alarm starts to go off...
salam and hi...
13 freeman has finally made a record! we're only here for a week of us has actually overheated/overcooked the wedges in the microwave and thus making the alarm to go off and make all freeman court's residents to gather outside the building. (sorry to cause the chaotic session) :P
this would be a reminder for us not to do things we shouldn't. learn from the mistakes is the greatest teacher of all~
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
being a muslim here and there...
salam and hi
few days in canterbury, it's quite different as in malaysia, especially of being a muslim... there's so much challenges to face and circumstances to encounter..
in malaysia, you don't have to worry much about food.. such as what ingredients we can't take, how its made and prepared and all sorts of stuffs related to it that we need to be concern enough before we buy and munch it. almost all of those are halal to consume and it won't give you any harm at any condition insya'allah.
living in the place where muslims are the minority, everything MATTERS here. everything that is written and stamped on the wrapping paper need to be read to ensure there's none of the non-halal things being mixed in the ingredients. only those with halal-stamped logo or any vegetarian products can be consumed securely... insya'allah
that's part of the challenges we need to face here.. the patience to read all those food-codes and too much wording (somotimes it's quite tiring!) but all we do is for our own good... so hope that what we do will be granted..ameen..
next thing to be super duper concern here is about our solat. in malaysia, we have lots of mosque (prayer hall) to pray and there's always athan to remind us when we can start pray of each time.
here, it's us ourselves to remind and know when is the prayer time (we need to be be regularly updated with it) so that we won't miss any of the five times. plus, it is convenient for us muslims in cccu to have our own prayer room in the main campus. however, places like that won't be available at all region.
for the first time in my life (real experience, excluding the practical we did during WOW programme), i have started to pray outside of that prayer room regardless of time and place. we had a briefing at the augustine house and it was until in the afternoon where we might have missed our zohor prayer. so what we do was, take the wudhu' inside the toilet (carefully so that the remaining water won't wet the floor) and have our all-time kiblat compass to get the direction of the kiblat. i initiated to solat at one spot where less people walk to the area. at first, i was quite nervous to start praying (afraid of being chased out by guards or to get weird looks from other people) but as i performing, i felt that i've gained some kind of strength to finish it in khusyu', without any doubt. after the salam, i felt relief that Allah has protected me all way through.. alhamdulillah~~~~
also, i found out that the rest of my friends are following me (to solat there)... i wonder when will i be brave enough to be the imam and lead my friends later... insya'allah when the time comes....
few days in canterbury, it's quite different as in malaysia, especially of being a muslim... there's so much challenges to face and circumstances to encounter..
in malaysia, you don't have to worry much about food.. such as what ingredients we can't take, how its made and prepared and all sorts of stuffs related to it that we need to be concern enough before we buy and munch it. almost all of those are halal to consume and it won't give you any harm at any condition insya'allah.
living in the place where muslims are the minority, everything MATTERS here. everything that is written and stamped on the wrapping paper need to be read to ensure there's none of the non-halal things being mixed in the ingredients. only those with halal-stamped logo or any vegetarian products can be consumed securely... insya'allah
that's part of the challenges we need to face here.. the patience to read all those food-codes and too much wording (somotimes it's quite tiring!) but all we do is for our own good... so hope that what we do will be granted..ameen..
next thing to be super duper concern here is about our solat. in malaysia, we have lots of mosque (prayer hall) to pray and there's always athan to remind us when we can start pray of each time.
here, it's us ourselves to remind and know when is the prayer time (we need to be be regularly updated with it) so that we won't miss any of the five times. plus, it is convenient for us muslims in cccu to have our own prayer room in the main campus. however, places like that won't be available at all region.
for the first time in my life (real experience, excluding the practical we did during WOW programme), i have started to pray outside of that prayer room regardless of time and place. we had a briefing at the augustine house and it was until in the afternoon where we might have missed our zohor prayer. so what we do was, take the wudhu' inside the toilet (carefully so that the remaining water won't wet the floor) and have our all-time kiblat compass to get the direction of the kiblat. i initiated to solat at one spot where less people walk to the area. at first, i was quite nervous to start praying (afraid of being chased out by guards or to get weird looks from other people) but as i performing, i felt that i've gained some kind of strength to finish it in khusyu', without any doubt. after the salam, i felt relief that Allah has protected me all way through.. alhamdulillah~~~~
also, i found out that the rest of my friends are following me (to solat there)... i wonder when will i be brave enough to be the imam and lead my friends later... insya'allah when the time comes....
Saturday, September 18, 2010
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