salam and ohisasiburi( is it correct anyway? i've forgotten most of it.. ya lar.. it's been like 3,4 years ago since i learned the language..haha)
anyway, tag??
well, it seemed to be that i was tagged by both aliaa n piqa.. okay, even though i'm not very in the mood of revealing my true self, i'll try on this anyway..haha.. actually i was thinking of continuing on my previous post on kmk part 2, but maybe not today.. later bout' dat..
let's move on to it..hahaha (evil laugh with evil face X:D )
Apa yang kamu lakukan sekitar jam 12.15 semalam?
-erm.. tido lah! i was swimming like crazy that evening( really?) hoho.. yep.. walaupun hanya di kawasan kanak2 rebina, tapi memang letih woo... ~_~
Selain itu,apa yang kamu lakukan sekarang?
- mesti la tengah menaip untuk post kali ni.. tu pun mau tanya ka.. apa da~
Adakah kamu akan bangun 7.00 pagi esok?
- for sure.. pagi esok nak jalan2 kat sunway.. hoho.. kena la semangat sket bangun awal.. kalau tak takde maknenye nak bangun awal camtuh..
Orang paling kelakar pernah jumpa?
- hurm.. ntah la.. xingat la pulak.. nak kata mr bean, xde r kelakar sangat, tu kelaker(stands for kelakar+ celake, this word was created by housemates of 306B 2008)..huhu.. missed them even though they're sometime annoys me a lot..
Takut untuk membesar?
- membesar dari segi ape tu agak2? ketinggian atau kelebaran? huhu..
Matapelajaran yang teruk di sekolah?
- subjek2 yang melibatkan nombor2.. u-know-it lah..
Kalau anda minum 14 mug bir,apa yang akan terjadi?
- itu pun kalau lah.. tapi masalahnya saya memang tak pernah pun.. so tak dapek den nak nolong neh..
Tidur dengan pintu terbuka atau tertutup?
- tertutup is much better for me.. privacy is so in need meh...
Bila kali terakhir kamu buat perkara yang kamu rasa salah?
- beberapa hari terakhir di ipba.. taktau nak satu umah ngan sape taun depan.. bkn taktau, tapi tak sampai hati nak kuar dari umah skang ni.. kadang2 rase ok, kadang2 rase hangin satu badan pon de.. tapi lagi rase bersalah bile tak bagitau sape2 pon dalam umah tu yang sbenarnye nak berhijrah umah laen tahun, only time will tell.. saya pasrah dengan segalenye.. huhu
Apa yang sedang kamu pakai sekarang?
- pakaian untk tido la.. takkan la nak pakai baju skolah kot.. baju skolah pon entah mane aku campak pon tak tau da.. missing in action.. huhu
What are you listening to right now?
- taylor swift.. love story.. besh oo.. ( ntah bile ntah agaknye tetibe da beralih angin ke lagu2 country nih)
Whats your favorite number?
- 2 n 5.. i think these numbers are quite unique.. taktau nape.. huhu..
How is the weather right now?
- biasa saje.. tapi skang ni slalu hujan lah.. so sweater da jadi pakaian wajib bagi aku.. huhu
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- last person? intan shafinaz.. saje kacau dia.. hoho lagi2 time tu dia tengah biol buat soalan math.. huhu.. sebelum tu hidayah che rahim.. she was on her way back to um..huhu.. kate je kat um tapi sampai skarang tak pernah lagi kuar same2.. LOL~
- since my family are originated in medical and hospital services, plus with those too-many-health-posters-including-the-xmau-rokok-ones makes me not to take it..yep.. i dun smoke lar.. couldn't tahan even it's asap2..
Bulan kesukaan?
- entah.. suka ke xsuka ke kau peduli apa..
Apakah movie terbaru yang kamu tonton?
- james bond- quantum of solace... taklah best sangat.. sempat menguap untuk beberapa kali mase menonton, mungkin kerana hero taklah hensem mana.. huhu
Hari kesukaan?
- mestilah jumaat.. sebab setiap kali jumaat boleh balik rumah ( ni masa kat ipba la.. kalau di kmk pula boleh outing sepuas2nya sebab takpayah nak pergi sembahyang jumaat.. yeay..) dan mungkin juga kerana aku, dilahirkan pada penghulu segala hari ini..hehehe..bangga beb..
Jika kamu boleh cakap sesuatu pada seseorang,apa yang kamu akan cakap?
- aku rindu korang sumer~( ditujukan pada sume rakan2)
Pelukan atau ciuman?
- both.. huhu.. but depends on situation as well.. but hey, don't you dare to think i'm a les...
Berkawan lagi dengan rakan-rakan di sekolah lama?
- oh semestinya.. siapalah aku tanpa kawan2ku.. haha.. serius!! sempat bergosip lagi dengan junior2 skola pasal perkembangan terbaru di mrsm pasir salak.. jangan main2 tau.. huhu
Left-handed atau right-handed?
- right-handed.. tried to be left-handed, n yeah.. i couldn't understand my own writing.. T_T
Mahu tidur dengan berapa bantal?
- tak kisah.. asalkan dapat tidur dengan bahagianya,,
Tidur dengan seseorang atau bersendirian?
- available in both situation.. kalau kat rumah memang suke conquer katil bersaiz queen sorang2.. hoho
Apa yang kejutkan kau pagi tadi?
- suara anak sedara yang berusia 3 tahun, kot.. mengejut orang lain ajak gi mandi kat swimming pool untuk kali terakhir.. farewell swim r kunun2nye.. huhu
Boleh teruskan hidup dengan tidak merokok?
- mestilah boleh.. da 18 tahun hidup tanpa rokok, hidup je lagi..alhamdulillah~
Pernah kawan baik kamu buat onar di belakang kamu?
- tak pernah tau la pula.. kalau ade,memang memanggil kakiku untuk hinggap di pipimu.. berani cubalah.. da nak dekat setahun kaki ni tak pernah sampai kepala orang lagi..
Memilih untuk memberi nombor telefon?
-hanya bagi yang dipercayai.. yang lain, boleh jalanla~
Mana lebih suka: McDonalds atau Burger King?
- both.. tapi suka mcD lagi kot.. tambah2 lagi masa cuti ni.. kawasan parking di mcD dah jadi tempatku berlatih parking tiap2 hari.. huhu.. demi memahirkan diri untuk parking, aku sanggup~
Mahu pergi ke Greece atau Hawaii?
- kalau boleh nak ke jepun lagi.. da lama tak berhubung dengan keluarga Yasuda.. apa khabar mereka yek? Momoko dan Naoya mesti dah besar dan bertambah comel dan hensem.. waaa rindu mereka amat~
Hari jadi yang menarik tahun ini?
- NOPE.. it was the worst actually.. yeah, why? coz that day was the last day i'm with H2T8 members.. da news i knew that i was actually-and-supposed-to-be in H1T8 was heard on that special day of my life.. masa tu, rase bengang campur sedih.. huhu.. yea la, rase macam jadi budak 3rd intake je.. masuk kelas baru with no one who actually knew your existance in kmk for more than 2 weeks.. heh.. more info will be reveal in kmk part 2.. bersabarlah menunggu wahai pembaca2..
huhu yep dat's all for now..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
it's a carwash day!!
yep.. it was a car washing day.. well, perhaps dat if u owned a car, u really need to know how to take care of it.. not only preventing it from getting any 'scars', but also to bathe them to make them always clean..
ya lar, after driving your car into the mud or any lecak2 ( sungguh tidak profesional pemandu ini..) it's totally messed up with the dirt.. thus to make it squeaky clean as brand new released car, i have to do the job.. it shows my responsibility towards my own car( kononnye la.. padahal dah kene bebel baru nak buat.. duh~) huhu.. actually it's a day where dad washed all his cars ( dua je pon) plus mine ( buat sendiri tau..bangge2 especially this is my first mighty time washing it..yeay)
ape la yang dimengarutkan ni sebenarnye.. huhu..
yep.. it was a car washing day.. well, perhaps dat if u owned a car, u really need to know how to take care of it.. not only preventing it from getting any 'scars', but also to bathe them to make them always clean..
ya lar, after driving your car into the mud or any lecak2 ( sungguh tidak profesional pemandu ini..) it's totally messed up with the dirt.. thus to make it squeaky clean as brand new released car, i have to do the job.. it shows my responsibility towards my own car( kononnye la.. padahal dah kene bebel baru nak buat.. duh~) huhu.. actually it's a day where dad washed all his cars ( dua je pon) plus mine ( buat sendiri tau..bangge2 especially this is my first mighty time washing it..yeay)
ape la yang dimengarutkan ni sebenarnye.. huhu..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
kmk..always by my side Part 1
I'm okay now.. maybe too much focusing on the screen made me suffered last night.. and maybe it's because i didn't do any outdoor activities since i reached home for this holidays. long ago, i rarely stick inside my home until almost maghrib.. haha for me..
daily routine during holiday: went out and cycled around the neighborhood in the evening, especially targetting to any of my friend's house. but hey, not many are in holidays rite now.. haish~ how on earth i'm going to spend my long holidays by myself.. aiyah.. this would probably the most booorriing holiday ever..
well, because of nothing much to do, i like to open my phone gallery and look back on the pics i've taken ever since i got that phone( i got in from my dad during my time in kolej matrikulasi kedah..LOL)..
yah, talking bout kmk, i left them; my friends, fellow roommates and tutor mates for good since i got the offer for 2nd intake TESL programme. it's been a nice place where i've been currently studying after spm and NS..
kmk is located in Changlun, a few kilometers to Bukit Kayu Hitam. well, my batch is the sixth intake( if i haven't mistaken), after it opened and started to take their students in April 2003.
well, at first i've been selected to further in physical science course( dat's because i got my physics much better than my bio), but then, i refused and made application to switch it with life science( i love biology more rather than physics but hey, it turned upside down when i received my spm results). thank god it was approved.. T_T
talking bout my roommates, well, it's quite surprising when u know u will be spending your days in kmk with your long lost friend from your secondary level. dat happened to me as i found out that my bed-side-mate was hani, a friend of mine when we're in smk banting( well, for only 3 months there before i moved to mrsm pasir salak).. she took physical science. the other roommates? one from pdt programme and take physical science as well, kak hajar, and last but not least, the accounting student, shuhada ( she prefered to be called shO). being roommates with them were great. i'd always argued with hani and also love to make pranks towards her.. best tau.. haha.. kak hajar, she rarely in the room ( loves to hang out in her pdt friend's) n sho, she's quite quiet and love to mumble to herself.. sometimes it's quite creepy when u're alone, and suddenly you heard a voice talking to itself.. ngee.. but i'm used to it..she's a good listener too.. and loves comics like me.. dats the common hobby between us and we used to share our comics together..huhu.. well, our room had once became a comic library when our friends like to hangout here to read comics.. haha lucky them we didn't make profit out of it..
okay, next is about my class. after switching myself in life science course, i got to attend lectures under H2T8 tutor class. dat class was fun, been even 'happening' where we got afiqah mainong, also known as peacock by our classmates. she always a happy-go-lucky girl and often make us to burst into laughters. she's been in the same school with me since our primary school until here in kmk.. wow.. never berpisah meh.. huhu.. i also met a friend of mine from mrsm, nabilah a.rahim.. huhu.. what can i say, this world is small though..
however, i was there for about only two weeks before one of my lecturers realized something.. dat i'm not belonged there.. dat news shocked us all. ya lah.. we've been together for quite a time.. in a sudden, you knew dat you were supposed to be in other class.. what de heck!!
erm.. perhaps dats all for this first part.. i'll continue later.. jaa
I'm okay now.. maybe too much focusing on the screen made me suffered last night.. and maybe it's because i didn't do any outdoor activities since i reached home for this holidays. long ago, i rarely stick inside my home until almost maghrib.. haha for me..
daily routine during holiday: went out and cycled around the neighborhood in the evening, especially targetting to any of my friend's house. but hey, not many are in holidays rite now.. haish~ how on earth i'm going to spend my long holidays by myself.. aiyah.. this would probably the most booorriing holiday ever..
well, because of nothing much to do, i like to open my phone gallery and look back on the pics i've taken ever since i got that phone( i got in from my dad during my time in kolej matrikulasi kedah..LOL)..
yah, talking bout kmk, i left them; my friends, fellow roommates and tutor mates for good since i got the offer for 2nd intake TESL programme. it's been a nice place where i've been currently studying after spm and NS..
kmk is located in Changlun, a few kilometers to Bukit Kayu Hitam. well, my batch is the sixth intake( if i haven't mistaken), after it opened and started to take their students in April 2003.
well, at first i've been selected to further in physical science course( dat's because i got my physics much better than my bio), but then, i refused and made application to switch it with life science( i love biology more rather than physics but hey, it turned upside down when i received my spm results). thank god it was approved.. T_T
talking bout my roommates, well, it's quite surprising when u know u will be spending your days in kmk with your long lost friend from your secondary level. dat happened to me as i found out that my bed-side-mate was hani, a friend of mine when we're in smk banting( well, for only 3 months there before i moved to mrsm pasir salak).. she took physical science. the other roommates? one from pdt programme and take physical science as well, kak hajar, and last but not least, the accounting student, shuhada ( she prefered to be called shO). being roommates with them were great. i'd always argued with hani and also love to make pranks towards her.. best tau.. haha.. kak hajar, she rarely in the room ( loves to hang out in her pdt friend's) n sho, she's quite quiet and love to mumble to herself.. sometimes it's quite creepy when u're alone, and suddenly you heard a voice talking to itself.. ngee.. but i'm used to it..she's a good listener too.. and loves comics like me.. dats the common hobby between us and we used to share our comics together..huhu.. well, our room had once became a comic library when our friends like to hangout here to read comics.. haha lucky them we didn't make profit out of it..
okay, next is about my class. after switching myself in life science course, i got to attend lectures under H2T8 tutor class. dat class was fun, been even 'happening' where we got afiqah mainong, also known as peacock by our classmates. she always a happy-go-lucky girl and often make us to burst into laughters. she's been in the same school with me since our primary school until here in kmk.. wow.. never berpisah meh.. huhu.. i also met a friend of mine from mrsm, nabilah a.rahim.. huhu.. what can i say, this world is small though..
however, i was there for about only two weeks before one of my lecturers realized something.. dat i'm not belonged there.. dat news shocked us all. ya lah.. we've been together for quite a time.. in a sudden, you knew dat you were supposed to be in other class.. what de heck!!
erm.. perhaps dats all for this first part.. i'll continue later.. jaa
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
er..maybe just short one today
aarrggghh!! mild headache.. no! i think it's severe..
i felt like wanna 'hentak2' my head at the wall already..
i dun think i would post any topic today..
not in a mood..
my migraine is back...
and it really painful...especially on my left side of my head
hate it..hate it...hate it...
go away migraine.. i dun need u in ma life!!
i felt like wanna 'hentak2' my head at the wall already..
i dun think i would post any topic today..
not in a mood..
my migraine is back...
and it really painful...especially on my left side of my head
hate it..hate it...hate it...
go away migraine.. i dun need u in ma life!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
a unique usrah meeting...
well, there's one thing i want to share.. few weeks ago, i had my regular usrah with our naqibah (kak ai n kak ema).. hurm.. we started to called our group as p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.. weirdo? haha.. dat idea came during a meeting long, long ago, when one of us wore a polkadot pants ( coz dat meeting was held at her house) ever since, we decided to stick with dat name( so cute lar... xde kaitan ngan usrah langsung..haha)
okay, back to the topic, few weeks before holidays, kak ai told me dat we're going for a walk around ipba before we started our usrah.. so we waited for everybody to come at our surau. when everybody was there, we walked along the road at the right side of the ipba's lobby,walking up the hill almost to dr. sufi's house.. then we turned to our left and passed trough the back of the eight-storey tower block and trough some bushes and trees. we stopped for a while while enjoying some kuih that kak ai brought for us.. waalaa..macam picnic la pulak... haha.. then we went down the stairs and had our usrah in front of dkc peacefully without any distractions. best sangat2 sebab terlalu unik to have usrah outdoor, sitting on the road while discussing our topics.. huhu.. i even took some photos during dat day..
okay, back to the topic, few weeks before holidays, kak ai told me dat we're going for a walk around ipba before we started our usrah.. so we waited for everybody to come at our surau. when everybody was there, we walked along the road at the right side of the ipba's lobby,walking up the hill almost to dr. sufi's house.. then we turned to our left and passed trough the back of the eight-storey tower block and trough some bushes and trees. we stopped for a while while enjoying some kuih that kak ai brought for us.. waalaa..macam picnic la pulak... haha.. then we went down the stairs and had our usrah in front of dkc peacefully without any distractions. best sangat2 sebab terlalu unik to have usrah outdoor, sitting on the road while discussing our topics.. huhu.. i even took some photos during dat day..
err...what to say?!
actually..there's too much things came out into my mind right now.. and i'm quite blur2 (like awaiz) on choosing topics for today's post.. well, i hope pics will describe it more meaningful... as there's proverb saying that a picture is worth a thousand words.. huhu..
well, currently a few weeks a go i went to times square, cosmo's world to be exact. went there with most of my f1.2 classmates.. we went there together from ipba by train and reached there almost at 1pm. well, in the cosmo's world, i'd tried almost everything (not everything actually, but most of it).. and the one most thrilled and terrified i've ever ride on was the DNA mixer, which i more prefer to called it as a shaker.. it really shakes my body and soul i dare to tell ya.. and dat damn thing has caused my tudung to be a bit miserable, well.. as u were shaken so strongly.. everything would be miserable ryte?.. i dare to swear not to ride it again next time i go there.. here's the rides i've tried for that outing..
this is the first ride we tried..quite 'gayat' at first but during the 2nd ride(which was the farewell ride), it's quite peaceful.. no harm at all.. yeay
we called it the 360's.. coz it spins 360 degrees.. it's quite enjoyable.. and i nearly slept during the 2nd ride.. coz of the wind... so calm meh..
roller coaster.. i think the one syafiq(our class rep) scared the most.. i wonder why he scared of it the last time he went here.. ruginye xde mase tuh.. nak gak tgk muke dia time tu.. T_T
the most terrified ride.. don't u dare to 'ajak' me to ride this ever again.. painful lar.. it caused me to walk almost abnormally for two days after dat..
this is the one i like the most.. Ooort's-Express.. it spins so quickly and whoever sit at the inner part will be dragged to the other side of the seat.. i think if there's no 'palang', u will definitely being thrown away.. kalo yg kapel tu memang sah2 ley ambik kesempatan.. haish~ masya'allah..


actually..there's too much things came out into my mind right now.. and i'm quite blur2 (like awaiz) on choosing topics for today's post.. well, i hope pics will describe it more meaningful... as there's proverb saying that a picture is worth a thousand words.. huhu..
well, currently a few weeks a go i went to times square, cosmo's world to be exact. went there with most of my f1.2 classmates.. we went there together from ipba by train and reached there almost at 1pm. well, in the cosmo's world, i'd tried almost everything (not everything actually, but most of it).. and the one most thrilled and terrified i've ever ride on was the DNA mixer, which i more prefer to called it as a shaker.. it really shakes my body and soul i dare to tell ya.. and dat damn thing has caused my tudung to be a bit miserable, well.. as u were shaken so strongly.. everything would be miserable ryte?.. i dare to swear not to ride it again next time i go there.. here's the rides i've tried for that outing..





after dat, me, ruhan, ogy, syin and piqa had our dinner at marrybrown's (what de..layan je la) and we reached to ipba around 9.30.. so tired la dat night.. and now let the pics do the talking..

Sunday, November 16, 2008
going for cooking class?
well, holidays have open their doors. n for almost a month and a half i'll stuck in home, doing almost nothing useful (i might study if i have the guts to fight my laziness..if and only if...) ~_~"
tadi mase balik dari hantar adik2 ke rumah sedara di Putrajaya, my mom asked me what to do during this break..and she suggested me to take a cooking lesson with a friend of hers(who was also my babysitter when I was little).. what?! a cooking lesson?? i'd never thought dat idea would come out from my mom.. coz i hate cooking.. i would never been into the kitchen unless my mom forced me to go.. aiyah~
perhaps she wanted her daughter to know at least the basic menus from the kitchen excluding to masak megi, jerang air and bakar roti. well, from the positive side; i think i could save more money on food, and i can cook any dishes i wanted according to my recipes coz' i'm the chef of it. wahaha -.-".... from the negative side, erm.. let's see, my masakan might tasted horrible, or it won't look like a dish.. T_T
just hoping for the best then...
forget about the cookin' class..
fyi, my bro is going to 'masuk jawi' this tuesday.. i beg he'll cry like a little baby on dat day... hahaha(evil laugh X:D).. but the bad news is i'll be his servant after dat until he recovers since my mom is working and no one else can look after him except me.. haish.. where am i going to hide myself then..
hurm.. perhaps u would think y i created this blog even though i'm not interesting to blog..
well, the reasons were bcoz:
haha.. so long then.. bye
well, holidays have open their doors. n for almost a month and a half i'll stuck in home, doing almost nothing useful (i might study if i have the guts to fight my laziness..if and only if...) ~_~"
tadi mase balik dari hantar adik2 ke rumah sedara di Putrajaya, my mom asked me what to do during this break..and she suggested me to take a cooking lesson with a friend of hers(who was also my babysitter when I was little).. what?! a cooking lesson?? i'd never thought dat idea would come out from my mom.. coz i hate cooking.. i would never been into the kitchen unless my mom forced me to go.. aiyah~
perhaps she wanted her daughter to know at least the basic menus from the kitchen excluding to masak megi, jerang air and bakar roti. well, from the positive side; i think i could save more money on food, and i can cook any dishes i wanted according to my recipes coz' i'm the chef of it. wahaha -.-".... from the negative side, erm.. let's see, my masakan might tasted horrible, or it won't look like a dish.. T_T
just hoping for the best then...
forget about the cookin' class..
fyi, my bro is going to 'masuk jawi' this tuesday.. i beg he'll cry like a little baby on dat day... hahaha(evil laugh X:D).. but the bad news is i'll be his servant after dat until he recovers since my mom is working and no one else can look after him except me.. haish.. where am i going to hide myself then..
hurm.. perhaps u would think y i created this blog even though i'm not interesting to blog..
well, the reasons were bcoz:
- peer influence: i was influenced from my friends; taty, wendy, n michy2 where i used to read their blogs since long ago.. and the influence get even stronger when i started to read my new friends' blogs from ipba (i'm really new in this place, even though i have already been there for almost 3 months) which were emkay n aliaa..
- long holidays: thanks to bpg(bahagian pendidikan guru) for letting the students be free and away from lecturers and assignments for quite a long time. then when it's time to get back to ipba, i'll definitely forgotten almost everything.. =.="
- one way to improve my typing skills and thinking skills: by thinking and thinking what to post in my blog, i'm forcing my brain to come out with well-organised words and ideas.. with that, i'm trying to be more critical thinker(thanks to social study for that)... and yet, by typing a lot perhaps i would increase my typing speed..hehe.. dat's a good thing u know..
haha.. so long then.. bye
waahaa.. i've made it!!
assalamualaikum and a very good day..
it seems that i've created my own blog...accidentally..
really~ i'd never thought of having my actual own blog, but in a sudden, waalaa...
it existed..
anyway, since i've just started , perhaps there's no turning back..
and i hope i could manage to handle my blog efficiently, and being active to post.
in here, i will be using both English and Bahasa Malaysia and hopefully by this way i can improve my writing skills (which i hate most probably, but really need to improve on it)..
apart from that,for those who read my posts, you are now able to post your comment or opinions regarding my language, facts or just about anything..jaa~
it seems that i've created my own blog...accidentally..
really~ i'd never thought of having my actual own blog, but in a sudden, waalaa...
it existed..
anyway, since i've just started , perhaps there's no turning back..
and i hope i could manage to handle my blog efficiently, and being active to post.
in here, i will be using both English and Bahasa Malaysia and hopefully by this way i can improve my writing skills (which i hate most probably, but really need to improve on it)..
apart from that,for those who read my posts, you are now able to post your comment or opinions regarding my language, facts or just about anything..jaa~
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