Tuesday, August 31, 2010

will miss you

do you still remember
the first time we met?
well i do

it was on a special day
where no class were held
no lectures at all
but all were gathered
on a sports day event

we never talked
we never spoke
but what makes us close
it's still a wonder

as time goes by
so does the friendship
it grows stronger in heart
yet it's hard to be apart

when we're miles away
and if you miss me
remember our moments
it lightens our memories
and keeps the warmth inside

no matter where
no matter how
when we miss each other so hard

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

counting days

salam and hi~

19 days ahead..... left for me to spend before the departure.. oh my, i'd never thought it'd been this quick... the last time i counted, it was..... 29 days.. surely i'll treasure every second i spent here wisely.

yesterday, i was with the b.ed french students.. mamabear, ifa, pija, wani and the rest of them... it was quite funny to think back when we had to cramp all 7 of us in the saga... they went to RHB bank to cash their cheque, while me, i went with them for a while and later to MPH to find some books.. and there, i met mira gaya~ she was supposedly to meet qis and the rest, but since she got something else, it never happened. instead, she met me! subhanallah~ hikmah gi mid ke ni??? hehe

then, me and mamabear went to UT to fulfill our stocks... and later we're back in ipba. had snoozed for a while and after rejuvenate my energy (syioknye lepas tido), i had to go back.... it was quite sad... for not being able to meet pija and ifa as they had to go to other place after midvalley... hm... till we meet again yeh~

okay, that's with the french course, now, lets move on to the next so-called last reunion, with the germans's of my batch and the juniors...

i went to kg baru to break my first fasting day together with wawa, ana, nisa and some few others.. we went there quite late since there was a huge traffic jam that hindered them to come early from their faculty... as soon as we saw the steakhouse, it was then the azan, indication that we can now eat... after breaking fast and solat, wawa suggested that we hangout fo a while at klcc since we haven't met for almost a year.. and so there we went! chit chatting.... and camwhoring a lot ( and i soon discovered a new function of my camera!)...LOL~

we went back and i reached ipba at 10.45 pm... hoho... it was fun indeed..

so, with the juniors, i spent time with them one whole night the day before i went to the briefing and lepak2 with the b.ed french's.. with adenin and izzati.. they're my pals from the basketball gang~ as usual, we planned to break fast at kg baru... but since we went lost ( never been there by car), we reached there at 7pm.. unfortunately, the steakhouse was fully occupied! sedih2... so we went to bazaar first and later performed maghrib ... we had our dinner in ipba and watched 'drumline'.. huuu.. sad story la pulak.. but we enjoyed it...

enough with that, let me continued with the pre-departure briefing.. we had it this recent monday at presint 9, together with all TESLians from other IPGs and PPC students..we have collected our lounge suit... yippie~

i met all my TESL friends, mira, qis, fara wahida, piah, talei and some others too... surprisingly, many seniors i knew from WOW also came ( memang WOW la akak2 ni).. and last but not least, i finally met kak ummu atikah~~~ wah, lama kita plan xjadi2 nak jumpa, alhamdulillah sampai gak hajat!
and because of that too, me and fieqa were almost left out by the bus driver... pakcik bas... pakcik bas... sabar je la.. huuu

so, piece of this and piece of that, cukup la tu ea... huhu...

secebis kata hati...

aku tahu
tak semua merasakan
diri ini penting
untuk diingati
dan untuk dikasihi
apatah lagi dirindui

aku bukan sahabat terbaik
yang terhebat pernah kau miliki
kerana aku
masih kekurangan
masih serba tak lengkap
luar dalamku

kehadiranmu dalam hidupku
amat-amat bermakna buatku
mungkin kau tak ketahui
mungkin kau tak jangka
betapa pentingnya
nilai ukhwah itu buatku

kalau tidak
manakan sanggup
sering datang berkunjung
sering berhubungan denganmu
panggilan telefon, pesanan ringkas mahupun khidmat internet
tak kira habis minyak habis duit
agar dapat menghabiskan sisa masa yang ada
bersama-sama denganmu

aku benar-benar rindu kalian
walau akan jauh dimata
walau terpisah benua dan daratan
tapi ingatlah
kau sentiasa tersemat dihati


people come
people go
but friends
always come
but less are gone

gone doesn't mean they're left
sometimes too busy
thus lack of time
even to say 'hello'
but deep down
i hope we're still registered
in each other's heart

don't forget our times
that we shared together
the happy moments
the laughter
the tears
the fights
the 'serabut'ness
and all that makes us a person

we learned patience
we learned to appreciate
and we learned to love

days will pass by
although we're may not longer in sight
but inside i hope it still resides!
the whole lot of you
are meant a lot for me!

no bluffing
just the moment of truth
that makes me gonna miss you more

Monday, August 16, 2010

kena langgar

salam and hi....

okeh, macam yang anda semua bace, betul lah tuh.. saya... kena langgar.. TAPI, bukan saya yang melanggar, okeh??

seperti biase, salah satu tugas saya kat rumah; hantar baju ke dobi.. on the way balik, tibe2 teringat lak kat mamabear ade pesan nak beli kerepek...so patah balik ke arah morib nak singgah ke tempat kerepek...

kejadian berlaku kat traffic light merah, betul2 depan balai polis banting. lori tu datang arah kiri dan nak masuk lane sebelah kanan saya... tibe-tibe... berdentum!! mau cabot jantung dengar... orang yang dok sebelah driver, ngan muke sememeh, gi tutup pintu yang terbukak tuh... ceh, bukan nk tengok pe kerosakan yang dia buat.. cetttt... da tutup pastu dia masuk balik dalam lori.. heh, memang xgentleman langsung!

si driver, kuar2 je tros g blakang kereta... usha2 jap seni yang dia dah buat.. saya.. marah, tak... terkejut pun tak... memang xde perasaan btol~
dia bagitau suh cari dia kat bazar sebab time tu da lambat.. so saya yang tengah terpinga2 pun layan je la dengan idea dia... satu je rase menyesal xbuat... amik no fon @ no plat... mau nye dia cabot pas ni... rugi jer... haish..

moga dipermudahkan urusan ganti rugi... insya'allah

less than a month

salam ramadhan to all~ *hope it's not too late to wish*

time is ticking fast
from last few months,
it is now left with few days
to leave our family,
to leave our friends,
and to leave our comfy bed, for good.

i wonder what will happen next...
can i cope with it?
can i face the challenge?
the challenge of uncertainty
the challenge to be independent
the challenge to preserve
as the minority

are we mentally prepared, though?
are we ready enough?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

turning point?

life's a hypocrite
and so do i
i portray the lies
but not the truth that lies

if you see me nice
try to think it twice
but all i do is try
for myself not to cry
during the end of life

i try to know Allah
deep, deep and deeper
the more i learned
the more i realised
that i should have taken
the path i've left aside

ilmu dan amal,teori dan praktikal...

Friday, August 6, 2010


saya sayang awak... tapi, adakah awak sayang saya sebagaimana saya sayang awak? awak tau, saya selalu risau kalau awak lupakan saya. saya risau kalau andai satu masa nanti, kita bukan kawan lagi.. saya risau bila awak kawan dengan orang tak tentu hala.. saya tak nak bila awak da kawan dengan mereka, awak lupakan saya.. anggap saya macam mainan, bila taknak terus buang - buang.. saya tau, saya takde hak nak tentukan siapa kawan awak, dan siapa bukan. tapi satu je, tolonglah...jangan sebab awak kawan dengan mereka, awak lupakan saya, tolak saya dari hidup awak mentah - mentah.

adakah selama ni awak berkawan dengan saya kerana awak mempergunakan saya?? adakah sebab saya ada kelebihan yang takde kat orang lain, baru awak nak rapat - rapat dan pura - pura baik dengan saya?? adakah awak kawan dengan saya hanya untuk kepentingan sendiri? adakah itu niat sebanar awak??

kalau itu sebab utama awak kawan dengan saya, sia - sia je la selama ni saya ikhlas dengan awak.. sia - sia je saya sayang kat awak... tak guna saya kawan dengan orang yang pentingkan diri sendiri.

tapi, kalau awak betul - betul ikhlas kawan dengan saya, alhamdulillah. moga Allah memberkati persahabatan kita ni. moga ukkhuwah yang terbina ini kekal sampai bila - bila.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ujian itu menguji

ya allah, rase macam nak nanges je.....

percaya atau tidak, tadi saya baru je dikejar 1 kereta yang ntah ape yang dia nak, saya pun tak faham.. tapi sangat menakutkan sepanjang perjalanan tu.. *ketap gigi*

camni ceritanye, tadi saya pergi hantar uniform mak kat kedai dobi.. then masa nak hantar baju dari kereta ke kedai, tibe2 je nampak 1 kereta datang dengan lajunye, hampir2 langgar saya. syukur alhamdulillah xkena langgar. tapi saya pun tak expect kereta tu datang sebab jalan tu sepatutnye sehala je, tapi kereta tu pulak dari arah bertentangan... alhamdulillah sangat2 Allah masih jaga saya dari sebarang kecelakaan.

then, saya pun drive ke pekan, saja2 nak jalan2 la kononnye. pastu time kat 1 simpang ni, saya da rase confirm 100% jalan selamat untuk dilalui... tibe2 dah nak pusing, ade la kot dalam 1 meter lagi nak kena langgar dengan 1 kereta hitam, wira kot, xpasti, yang dekat cermin depan ade pelekat 'ralliart' kalo xsilap.. alhamdulillah, sekali lagi Allah pelihara saya dan kereta tu sempat berhenti. saya yang terkejut time tu, sempat gak angkat tangan = kadang2 bahasa pemandu, angkat tangan membawa maksud 'terima kasih' la gak walaupun tengah dalam keadaan terkejut dan tergamam.

then ok je la.. tibe2 je time da nak sampai kat traffik light, saya nak masuk lane sebelah kanan, tapi kereta sebelah tu tak kasi can pulak. so saya terpaksa la lupakan nak ikut lane tu dan ikut jalan lain. saya terperasan yang kereta yang kejam tak bagi can tadi ada kat belakang saya.. aih, tadi punye kejam tak kasi can nak masuk, tengok2 dia pun ikut saya ape hal? masa dia seiring dengan kereta saya, penumpang yang disebelah pemandu ade kasi some kind of isyarat yang saya tak paham.. tibe2 je saya rasa, tu kereta yang hampir langgar saya kat simpang tadi..

alamak, sudah! ape kes lak dia ikut ni.. saya da mula cuak.. kalau nak berhenti, risau pulak jadi pape kat saya. saya dah la sorang2. kereta tu pulak 2 lelaki, muka memang da macam gangster abes dah..so saya pun buat tak endah je.. jalan je.. tengok cermin belakang, kereta tu masih ikut kat belakang and try nak seiring dengan kereta saya. cuak weh, cuak! saya pun bawak sebaik mungkin untuk jauhkan diri dari kereta tuh.. sampai la kawasan perumahan, kereta tu still lagi ikut kat belakang.. aish, tak boleh jadi ni, tak boleh balik rumah kalau kereta tu still ikut..

final decision, saya pun decide untuk kembali ke pekan... dari diorang tau rumah saya, lagi bahaya kot. sampai kat pekan, saya berjaya buat kereta tu pintas saya bila si driver try nak seiring ngan kereta saya. kereta tu sengaja je tekan minyak kuat2 kat sebelah.. saya yang dah sedia cuak ni wat bodo je dan tak pandang langsung kereta tu.. takut astaghfirullah al azim!! mujur kereta depan saya tibe2 bawak perlahan, memberi peluang untuk saya akhirnya melarikan diri dari kena ikut dengan kereta tadi. kereta tu pun nak tak nak kena la gak jalan terus dan stop kacau saya lagi...

alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah!

terus balik rumah pastu.. time drive tu tangan dah terketar2 nak pegang stereng.. moga2 kejadian ini memberi seribu satu pengalaman pahit bagi saya dan akan menjadikan saya lebih peka dan sensitif dengan sekeliling, insya'allah~

hati terpaut

bila hati mula terbuka
ilmu terbentang munusuk jiwa
baru tersedar baru terfikir
indahnya islam disisi Tuhan

kalau dulu buta dan tuli
tak pernah kisah penting ke tidak
setelah ilmu mula diisi
mulalah celik mulalah peka

adakah ini petanda agung?
mampukah diri bisa mengubah?
harapan sudah tersemat dihati
manalah tahu jadi kenyataan.. insya'allah

Lessons of life

salam and hi

Being a liaison officer for the ASEAN Schools Games has taught me several important lessons of life. Besides the achievement that makes event a success, I found myself to become more close to the Creator of the Universe, throughout the whole process. I am more dependent to Allah in most of the time. Frankly speaking, I’d never thought that this is also a good platform for me to enhance my role as a muslim, within the time constrain as well as the workload.

The first two days at UKM were quite dull and boring. This is because at that time, we don’t have anything to do except to wait until our assigned team departed at the airport, which gives the meaning the beginning of the tremendously tiring work as a LO. On the first day itself, we only had a briefing on our part and according our event. I was assigned the Philippines team for athletics. After the briefing we were given our room at keris mas college. The next day was also boring because my team will only arrived as early as 12.30 midnight. So since then, all we did was wondering and waiting and waiting till we dropped! Finally, there was transportation to keris mas. However, due to limitation of seats, not all can go back as early as they can. I prayed to Him to ease everything I do, to smooth all my activities without any circumstances. And know what? As I entered the bus which was already packed, I found myself the only two-seats empty at the back for me and my 2 other friends. Thank you Allah for making my wish comes true.

The night came and only female LOs were assigned to receive a number of Philippines. Their reason for not having any male LOs is because, we girls stay at Keris Mas where all the athletes will stay as well ( boys and girls)… but hey, that’s truly unfair because we female LOs can only accommodate the female athletes in their respective rooms, not the boys.. they arrived at lcct around 1am and we reached keris mas at 2 something. Alhamdulillah once again to Allah for letting them to be acceptance with their accommodation. For other teams, some were too fussy and demanded for many things that is not allocated in the hostels, for example, hot water, air-conditioner, towels and many more. But Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly and thus helped to gain some rest before the sun rises the next day. Well, only for few hours though.

The next day, everything went okay except for 1 most important thing. Most of the LOs and other officers, had not performed the subuh prayer(I’m pretty sure of it) because at 5.30am, all have gathered into the respective buses and waited for all the buses to gathered at dataran gemilang(if I haven’t mistaken the name) and straight to cheras stadium for the opening ceremony.. We reached there at almost 8, 8 something where the sun has already shown its shine. I pitied the athletes whereby they had to stay outside for several time as to wait for the VIP’s arrival. For me, it is quite not appropriate.

To be continued…. Insya’allah