Tuesday, December 6, 2011

spread my wings

i've met so many great people
those with in-depth knowledge
so humble and sincere
and they're willing to share
what they know

but i
i was reluctant
i was confused
...and i was only to listen...
but not to give

we only appreciate when they're out of sight
we only miss when they've left
we only regret when we know
i took it for granted
and now i do regret it

i have another sets of months
to gain and begin to give
to unleash my true potential
before that time comes

Saturday, December 3, 2011

choices left

when people asked me
"are you okay?"

should i just said i'm fine
and lying to myself?


tell them the truth
and get carried away again?

Friday, December 2, 2011

the day after

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah
All praises to Allah the Creator of all mankind

thanks to all who joined the Janazah Ghaib Prayer
although it was quite a last minute announcement
quite a number sincerely waited and joined me.
May Allah bless all of us insya'allah

this is our first time ever
to be the leader of the prayer
I nearly cried
but I already did
during the presentation

who wouldn't?
when someone you care
just passed away
yet you've to present a poem
entitled grandmother
quite ironic

is my mother's birthday
may Allah grant her strength
may she use her time left
in Madinah
pretty wisely.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

don't live in the past; live for the future

there's no reason for me to keep mourning
the dead won't come alive again
so i'll just have to move on
and always remember her in my prayers

I found tranquillity in His words
yesterday when I was so upset
I opened the healer of the hearts; the Quran
and the first sentence that caught my eyes

"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."
[Al-Baqarah: 286]

He is listening to my prayers
and wants me to be strong
this should make me stronger
and not to make me even weaker

the day i'll never forget

12.08 tengah hari...
dapat mesej adik
adik : kakak, opah dah meninggal
saya: bila??
adik: pukul 5.45 petang waktu Malaysia tadi

12.15 tengah hari...
telefon maksu,
maksu: nak, kuat ye, opah kamu dah takde, kami on the way ke Putrajaya ni

mesej abah, sebab takde kekuatan untuk sampaikan berita secara verbal, tapi...takde respons

berbalas-balas komen facebook dengan sepupu
edy: ko da bgtau makcik ke??td kami da bgtau tp xde lak die kol balik lepas tu...senyap je...

16.51 petang
telefon ayah, risau berita tak sampai lagi.. tapi, masih tiada respons

16.56 petang...
ayah: abah baru habis solat isyak ni... kami semua sihat-sihat di madinah. kakak sihat? macam mana sekarang?


hati siapa tak sebak bila nak sampaikan berita sedih pada orang tersayang
lagi-lagi apabila yang pergi adalah yang terakhir
bagi kedua-dua belah pihak

inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun

pada yang membaca
sama-sama mendoakan kesejahteraan
almarhumah Zamzilah bte Lazim
ibu kepada ibu saya

5.35 petang UK
29 November 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

seni berkaki dan bertangan


percambahan kemahiran satu per satu
dari putih yang suci bersih
"innocence, ignorance"
ke hitam yang paling teratas
"maturity, sensibility"

matangkah aku dalam kehidupanku?
adakah aku setaraf apa yang aku capai?
sebanyak mana aku menghayati apa yang telah dicapai?

apalah gunanya jika pangkat bertingkat-tingkat
tapi tak berakhlak seperti sewajarnya
apalah ertinya ilmu yang menggunung
tapi amalnya tak setimpal mana

Sunday, November 27, 2011

it's worth to try

"So the world could be a better place for you and I
If we just live our lives
Putting our differences aside
Oh that would be so beautiful to me"

trying hard to feel that way

Saturday, November 26, 2011


perbaharui niat kita
kerana kita tak tahu bila akan kita mati

perbaharui niat kita
moga terus bermotivasi dan berinspirasi
sentiasa berobjektif dalam apa yang dilakukan
dan tahu apa yang kita mahukan

perbaharui niat kita
tapi jangan melampau-lampau
berubah sedikit tapi biar berterusan

perbaharui niat kita
agar kita esok lebih baik dari kita semalam

perbaharui niat kita
agar semua yang kita lakukan
hanya untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah

p/s: salam Maal Hijrah 1433H

Friday, November 25, 2011


sometimes i wonder
how do these people know me?
it's quite often though
they'd say as soon as they heard my name
them ="oo... so this is AR....."
me =*speechless*

am i too busybody in facebook?
or is it because i'm always appear
in their home notifications?
hopefully i'm known
not because of bad attitudes

or is that a hint
that i should reduce
my appearance in that social network?

Thursday, November 24, 2011


salam dan hai.

Siang tadi. Tercalon untuk satu jawatan bagi Malaysian Society sesi 2011-2012. Agak terkejut. Tak pernah tercapai dek akal. Harapnya tercalon bukan kerana 'dikenakan' oleh sahabat, sebaliknya kerana kredibiliti yang ada. Meskipun tidak berjaya dek kekurangan 1 undi, cukup membuktikan bahawa aku sebenarnya ada potensi yang masih boleh diasah. Dan aku akan terus belajar, terus menimba pengalaman hidup.

Bukanlah jawatan yang aku mahukan, bukanlah gelaran yang aku impikan. Kerana sebagai pemimpin, tanggungjawab yang bakal digalas, bebanan yang akan diterima, adalah amat berat. Boleh jadi, di akhirat kelak yang akan melambatkan seseorang itu masuk ke syurgaNya, adalah kerana amanah sebagai pemimpin yang tidak dijalankan dengan sebaiknya. Na'uzubillah.

Jawatan hanyalah pada nama. Bukanlah maksudnya kena berjawatan baru nak buat kerja. Bukanlah maksudnya orang dah kenal baru nak terhegeh tunjuk berkaliber. Biarlah aku tanpa nama, biarlah bekerja dibelakang tabir, asalkan niat yang ikhlas keranaNya. Akan tetapi, sebaiknya yang berjawatan itu adalah adil untuk berada ditempatnya, dan bukan untuk menambah barah yang sedia ada. Dan kitalah yang bertanggungjawab memilih pemimpin itu. Berbaur politik?

yes, all this while, politics is all around us, whether we realise it or not,
whether we like it or not

Moga sahabat-sahabat disibukkan masa kerana amal kebajikan, dan bukannya disibukkan dengan perkara yang melaghakan. Jika tersalah langkah wahai sahabat, kesilapan itulah yang akan mematangkan kita. Insya'allah.

p/s: memetik kata-kata seorang penceramah, bila kita tak diamanahkan tanggungjawab, maknanya Allah suruh kita fokus dengan tanggungjawab yang sedia ada.

Selamat berjuang Committee baru

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ya atau Tidak?

“Wahai yang empunya diri, sudahkah selesai mendirikan solat?”
“Sudah, Alhamdulillah.

Apakah kamu telah berniat dan mengangkat takbir ketika memulakan solatmu?”

Apakah ketika kamu memasang niat dan mengangkat takbir itu, kamu rasakan itu mungkin solatmu yang terakhir, kerana mati boleh menjemputmu bila-bila masa?”

“Adakah ketika lidahmu menyebut ‘Allahu akbar’, hatimu turut membesarkan Allah?”

“Kalau begitu, kamu tidak benar-benar berniat dan mengangkat takbir.”

“Ketika lidahmu melafazkan doa iftitah, adakah kamu mengiyakannya bahawa hidupmu dan matimu hanya untuk Allah yang Esa?”

“Ketika surah al-Fatihah kamu baca, adakah hatimu bersyukur kepada Allah, Tuhan yang kamu sembah dan tempat meminta pertolongan, lantas kamu memohon diberi petunjuk ke jalan yang diredahi-NYA dan dijauhkan dari jalan yang sesat lagi dimurkai-NYA?”

“Kalau begitu, kamu sebenarnya tidak membaca apa-apa dalam solatmu.”

“Adakah kamu telah menyempurnakan rukuk dan sujud serta menjaga pergerakanmu agar tidak mendahului iman?”

“Dan ketika rukuk dan sujud itu, adakah hatimu tunduk dengan penuh rasa hina diri ke hadrat Allah dan benar-benar merasakan kebesaran-NYA dan kamu merasakan Allah melihatmu dan menilai solat yang sedang kamu kerjakan?”

“Kalai begitu, kamu sebenarnya tidak rukuk dan sujud.”

“Dalam solatmu, adakah kamu berniat mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan mengerjakan sesuatu amalan juga kebaikan yang paling utama?”

“Dan ketika kamu akhiri solatmu dengan ucapan salam, adakah hatimu berasa takut kalau-kalau solat yang baru kamu kerjakan tidak diterima Allah lalu amalan itu dilemparkan kembali ke mukamu, di samping menaruh harapan agar Dia mahu menilai solatmu sebagai pengabadian darimu?”

“Kalau begitu, kamu sebenarnya tidak mendirikan solat keranaNYA dan tidak pula mengingati dan mendekatkan dirimu dengan Allah melalui solatmu”. Berhati-hatilah kerana Allah telah berfirman:

‘Neraka Wail bagi orang yang solat, yang mereka itu lalai dalam solatnya.’ (Al-Ma’un”: Ayat 4-5)
“Astaghfirullahal azim…Ya Allah, berilah aku kekuatan untuk memperbaiki solatku dan menjadikannya wadah untuk tambah dekat dan hampir dengan-Mu."

p/s: sometimes sharing from facebook is indeed priceless

moments to end

tugasan yang diberi
diterima dengan amanah
disertai dengan harapan

jangan malas-malas lagi
ayuh bangkit berusaha
masa takkan menunggu kita!
*dateline memandang sebelah mata*

kalau tidak disibukkan dengan kebenaran, nanti tersibuk pula dengan kebatilan.
sungguh aku taknak!

"berangkatlah kamu baik dengan rasa ringan mahupun dengan rasa berat, dan berjihadlah dengan harta dan jiwamu di jalan Allah. yang demikian itu adalah yang lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui" [At-Taubah:41]

"Kemudian apabila engkau telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sungguh, Allah mencintai orang yang bertawakal" [Al-Imran: 159]


Sukan hari ini:
Malaysia menang pingat emas bola sepak. Semua gembira dan saling share kat FB.

Best jugak kalau perkara-perkara baik yang lain eg video2 ceramah agama, zikir2 dan status mendidik jiwa, promo program-program disharekan secara beramai-ramai dengan penuh semangat seperti ini :)

p/s: status fb seorg sahabat.. so true

Monday, November 21, 2011

try and error

tahap manakah prestasi kita
untuk berjuang sehabis baik?
disini hanyalah tempat untuk berlatih
tempat untuk mencuba dan bersedia
kerana hakikatnya, Malaysialah medan juang sebenar!

Friday, November 18, 2011

chains of hope

and easily
i burst into tears
within a simple twist

i need to keep holding on
although sometimes
it's too fragile...

feel your senses

common sense
how many of us
thinks it's important?

it may seem minor
but could impact a major!


for how many of us
is truly sincere
to the act we do?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

faraway land

it's just funny
that now we've a barrier
divider of the thin air
whilst others can't see

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

too less to spend

now i know the reason
why i'm always with them
they are my mentors
and they're helping me
to prepare myself
to become one

time is ticking fast
slowly it leaves me
whether i'm ready
or not

Thursday, November 10, 2011

gigihlah berjuang

kerana perjuangan itu
tidak semudah ABC dan 123
niat hanya keranaNya

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

sisi 360 darjah

dalam kita rancak berusrah
berbulatan gembira
pernahkah kita perhatikan
keadaan sekeliling?

adakah kita hanya
mahu ber'sharing'2
berdiskusi dengan mereka
yang mahu mendengar
sedangkan yang lain
dibiar terkontang-kanting?
dengan dunia khayalan mereka?

adakah wajar kita biarkan
mereka bersendirian
hanya kerana mereka
jarang-jarang mengikuti usrah
kurang komited dengan
program-program yang
kita anjurkan?

layakkah kita untuk melabel
orang tu sudah layak didakwah
dan orang itu belum layak lagi?

satu perkara yang paling ditakuti
adalah apabila diakhirat kelak
mereka datang kepada kita
dan bertanya
"kenapa tidak mereka diberitahu
sedangkan mereka wajar tahu"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hidden Dreams Can Sometimes Be

if today
you think you're worthless
then think again

Monday, November 7, 2011

on the road

"so where are you ladies going to?"

"we're going to the mosque, there's a celebration today"

"what is it called?"

"Eid Mubarak"

"Who is he? someone like Hosni Mubarak?"

"It's not a he. it's a religious event"

"what is it all about? do you eat and drink together?"

"we pray in congregation this morning and eat together later on"

"never heard of such festival"

"have you heard of Islam?"

"no I don't"

"I don't do religions"

"I can't afford God"

"it's too expensive"

Friday, November 4, 2011

dear brothers and sisters there

we had five Palestinians in our class today
they were deans and lecturers in Palestine universities
once they entered the class
everything was cheerful
everybody seemed so excited
like no other things could interrupt their smile

when the first question we asked
"how's the condition now in Palestine?"
faces turned dull
the upward curve line seemed to change
"it's difficult"
and they keep on repeating that 'magical' word
"it's rather easier to go abroad than to move inside the country"
roadblocks everywhere
neither importing nor exporting goods
that is even difficult

I was ashamed of myself
for not knowing many issues regarding them and their land
so this is like a wake up call for me
to be aware and sensitive of this issue
in the future

that is why we have to fight with them
WE have to help them as many ways as we can
because they're our brothers and sisters!
we have a mission to accomplish
we have Al-Aqsa to save
and the most powerful weapon we have
is the DU'A!

"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy" [49:10]

“When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calleth upon me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way.” [2: 186]

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

on the go

i think it's best to change
little by little
no matter how tiny the deeds are
it'll always be counted

don't be afraid to initiate
people will support you
those who understand
and those who believe
that you can do it well

this is the time to train yourself
coz when you're back in reality
no one will wait for you
coz that's the time for action

this is the time for good night dreams
time to gain as much as you can
absorbs all the good values here in abroad
how Islamic the manners are conducted here
that we could bring home to our 'Islamic' country

da'wah doesn't specify any preference
that it's only for men or women
it's for all
Islam for all
regardless of anything

xie xie ni,

saya tahu
saya terburu-buru
saya nak selesai cepat
sebelum ia makin mengelirukan

terima kasih kepada kamu-kamu
sebab faham situasi saya
bukan saya taknak bersama kamu
tapi saya tau kenapa saya ada disini

kalau bukan kerana usaha-usaha kamu
mungkin saya takkan kenal erti Islam
mungkin juga saya makin hanyut
mungkin juga saya takkan jadi
macam hari ini

i thank thee
for showing me the way
opened my eyes to see it through

maybe we're no longer
in the same boat
in that sense
but deep inside
i plead for unity

one day

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

rhetorical quotes

"nanti bila dah balik malaysia, adakah kalian hanya nak jadi budak usrah sahaja?
atau nanti dah busy dengan kerja dan keluarga,
terabai segala tarbiyyah yang dapat masa kat oversea?"

" i only respect those who can balance their time and activities.
if you're good in religious part but still sleep in class,
skip classes or not able to finish assignments on time etc,
then you don't earned to be respected"

"kalau nama je budak oversea,
pandai agama tapi tak reti buat kerja,
bagi tugasan tak dapat nak selesaikan,
pukul satu dah lesap dari sekolah,
kalau macam tu baik study kat malaysia je"

all quotes are so true,
it urges us to ponder
and reflect our stand
and our actions

Thursday, October 20, 2011

flush diri sendiri

berkata tanpa beramal
itu yang aku risaukan

mulut dok pot pet pot pet
dok nasihat orang sini sana
tapi diri sendiri tak ter'cater'

diri sendiri yang masih lagha
macam tu kau kata nak jadi role model?

macam tu ke tarbiyah yang nak dibawa?
cakap tak serupa bikin
sama macam ilmu tanpa amal
ada kereta takde enjin


Monday, October 17, 2011


setiap hari
sebelum tidur
mari muhasabah

apa yang kita lakukan seharian?

adakah ianya bermanfaat buat diri?

mampukan ia membantu agama kita?

menolong sahabat-sahabat kita

mengenal Islam dengan lebih mendalam?

mencermin diri akan keindahan Islam?

sesungguhnya tanggungjawab kita berat
tanggungjawab kita tiada sempadannya
selagi Islam belum tertegak
tiada 'pause' buat kita
untuk berehat

walau seketika

Sunday, October 16, 2011

sesuci salju

manusia itu
fitrahnya suci

suka kedamaian
suka kebersihan
suka kecantikan
suka kesempurnaan

Islam itu kan cantik
Islam itu kan bersih
Islam itu kan mendamaikan
Islam itu sempurna

tiada alasan untuk menolak
walau hanya sebahagian

Saturday, October 15, 2011

ini bukan perlumbaan kedua

Dugaan dan cabaran

Takkan lekang dari diari

Dalam kehidupan sementara ini

hari ini kita bersorak gembira

Kerana kejayaan terukir

Tapi esok menangis teresak

kerana gagal mencapai matlamat


takkan selesai hingga ke akhir kalam

takkan terhenti di tengah jalan

selagi hayat masih bernyawa

teruskan berjuang wahai jundullah

jangan gusar sahabatku

jika sukar yang kau hadapi

masih ramai yang ingin membantu

sebarisan saf menanti diimamkan

sejentera pahlawan tersedia ke medan perang

yakinlah pada janji-janjiNya

biar kini kita bersusah payah

kelak akan bahagia abadi

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life Up to The Fullest

I think this video clip is quite interesting..
lets live life to the fullest in the name of Allah

Sunday, October 9, 2011

beautiful creation

Whitstable in a windy cloudy day
for Kent is so beautiful
there's lots of places
that can be my secret places

to hide my sadness
to throw away the miserable feeling
and make me calm and feel peace

i'd go anywhere alone
or with faces i rarely meet
so i could leave aside the problems
to enjoy the beauty of the nature

O Allah
you've created such miracles
the beauties that made us calm
when we're thinking of You

Praises are to Allah

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the not so lucky day

salam and hi

i'd just make a homerun from St Augustine's library to the third floor Newton's building and went back to St Augustine's library all in one short. in addition that i haven't had any food properly since morning. and the time now is almost half past four.and also that my phone has just close its eyes.


how far is it from the library to the university?
around 10-15 mins malaysian walking distance.

why do i have to do that?
we met a government officer today to make a criminal clearance so that we would be allowed to do our School Experience in a primary school in Folkestones. we need to show a proof of lists of things including a copy of bank statement or any document that shows your name and home address on it.

unfortunately, i've only lived in that new accomodation less than a month, so i don't have anything to show since i haven't got anything except a bank statement telling that my father has banked in some amount of money for me. and by the way the statement is printed in all black so it's not a very good enough to be claimed as a proof.

so what happened?
i had to stay on campus(library to be precise) to wait for my turn. so when my turn comes, that happened. she couldn't accept the bank statement as it may be a false proof because it was printed in all black (normally we have coloured printed statements). and yeah, i had to make another appointment and bring other proofs. i called my other housemates if they brought the tenancy agreement as it was my last option, apart from the rejected bank statement.

so there was i, borrowed a phone from Kaled and made a phone call, rushed back to third floor Newton's building just to get the tenancy agreement, and rushed again to library. anndddddd.... it was still not good enough. my friends who used it this morning managed to use it as a proof, but i guess the luck is not with me.

such a dissappoinment..

but, to look from a bright side

i managed to proof myself that i am still fit. although running in a windy day is cool (the sweat dries quickly), but it also showed that i haven't do much physical activities or any sports since i came back to UK, or even my three months of holiday in Malaysia. i was breathing heavily as if i've climbed a mountain which i should have not if i'm still active in sports or such.

second of all, I thanked Kaled for lending his phone, Jega for offering me some cookies since she knew i haven't eaten anything for lunch and those who concerns about my current status and Sammy who had to witness me being scolded by the officer(the officer was probably too tired at the time, as to meet everybody one by one since morning). this shows that i still have friends who care, and longed enough to help. Thanks all!

"‎'LUCK' is never in a mukmin's dictionary, my dear. apa yg berlaku, PASTI ada hikmah, no doubt!"

this actually calmed me.. thanks kak D for the lovely quote. at times when i really need someone, you're always there for me. yes, i do agree that when any bad incident happends, there's always something that Allah wants to show to me. maybe it's not shown today, tomorrow, or even maybe days later, but perhaps there's something He wants me to learn. life will never be easy all the time, right? this actually teaches me how to react, and to respond when dealing with other people, perhaps in the future when i'm already a teacher soon(insya'allah), i'll be dealing with high officers and with the admin workers.

and last of all, things will never be as we plan. no matter how hard we tried to reach our target, there's always rough at some edges. to gain success at the end, we have to face challenges and obstacles to get through. Allah is the best planner of all and no one should have doubted it.

Allahuma yassir wa la tuassir.
may He makes easy everything that is difficult for me

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

school experience

salam and hi

i'm going ro Sandgate Primary School for my School Experience next Tuesdays onwards.
so excited yet so nervous. I couldn't think of any questions those cute kids would ask..
would like to see the different system of education as we have in Malaysia
May everything goes well, Insya'allah

Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir

Saturday, September 24, 2011

new house

salam and hi

akhirnya dah masuk rumah baru (setelah menumpang di rumah Jiani satu malam).
rumah ni serba serbi baru dan super comel kalau nak compare dengan keadaan rumah sewaktu 'house viewing' dulu. Excited! Terharu dengan landlord yang super duper baik hati~

pagi ni baru sudah mengemas barang yang berkotak-kotak tu. Alhamdlulillah. tapi internet hanya akan dipasang dalam masa 3 minggu dari sekarang. hm... nampaknya perlu bertahan dengan online melalui fon atau jadikan fon itu sendiri sebagai modem. surviving skill amat-amat diperlukan sekarang.

minggu depan dah start kelas, baiknya jika saya dapat adapt diri dengan secepat mungkin

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

bye bye 1 malaysia

salam and hi!

oh, lagi beberapa jam sebelum flight balik ke Kent.. perasaan?
haru ade, biru ade.. heh.. campur baur lah weh!

haih, dengan masa yang tak seberapa ni, mana sempat nak contact semua yang rapat.. adek-adekku yang melambak-lambak, tapi yang sempat jumpa hanye sekerat dua. maafffff.
jumpa lecturer pun macam segan-segan kambing.. *macam mana la nak jadi cikgu besok ni... jumpa orang pun malu2*

harapnya, hari-hari yang mendatang dapatlah hadir dengan bestnye. jadilah ia bermacam-macam bagai bagi aku berfikir sikit kenapa kenapa dan kenapa.

so far, aku dah plan a few things bila dah balik sana.

1. nak jadi skema sikit since year 2 seems like a bit tougher than year 1. plus classmates baru nanti, semuanye pun macam ramai yang skema-skema je....

2. nak berjalan banyak-banyak lagi supaya aku tak terperap mengabehkan beras je kat rumah. ape guna hantar pergi jauh-jauh kalau duduk rumah je 24/7

3. meminimakan penggunaan BM dirumah. well, duduk dengan non-malays, harapnya dapatlah improve. aku tak nak jadi cikgu BI yang xreti BI.

4. merajinkan diri untuk aktif bersukan kembali. kalau tak sia-sia je aku berhempas pulas nak sumbat 'kicking pad' dan bola basket dalam beg.

5. improve dalam pengurusan masa. tanggungjawab makin banyak, masa makin kurang. so kena kurangkan masa kurang berpaedah!

well, that's at least my resolution for now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

only time will tell

kita selalu merungut
bila tak dapat sesuatu
yang kita idamkan

apa yang kita rancang
tak menjadi
semua serba tak kena

Allah kan lebih mengetahui
dan bila sekian masa berlalu
barulah kita sedar

bahawa sebaik-baik urusan
Allah juga yang tetapkan
baru kita rasa bersyukur
dengan apa yang Allah dah bagi
berbanding apa yang kita dah minta

eyes that see

are you a short sighted?

you can see things from faraway

But couldn't able to see things near

Or are you a long sighted?

you see things near clearly

But ambiguous from a distance

Now or the hereafter

Which one would you choose?

Luxury now

And. . pain in the hereafter?

Or hardship now

And the never ending happiness later?

Long goal or short goal

Both are important

But which is your main priority?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

because they're my parents

papa dan mama
ibu dan abah
emak dan ayah

tak kira apa pun panggilan mereka
mereka adalah yang terpenting
dalam hidup kita

yang membesarkan kita
yang melayan kerenah kita
yang mengajar kita erti kehidupan

cukupkah kita membalas jasa mereka
dengan segenggam ijazah ditangan?
dengan gaji beribu-ribu sebulan?
dengan pujian masyarakat dek kejayaan kita?

tidakkah kita mahu bersama-sama mereka di syurgaNya kelak?
kalau mahu, kenapa tidak ditegur kesilapan mereka?
andai kita tahu itu salah dan ini benar
kenapa tidak kita perjelaskan kepada mereka?
bukankah banyak caranya yang boleh kita aplikasikan?

pimpinlah keluargamu
agar hidup dibawah lembayung Islam
secara total dan keseluruhan
dan bukan separuh- separuh
kerana Islam itu menyeluruh

Ya Allah! Ampunilah bagiku segala dosaku dan juga dosa dua ibu bapaku dan kasihanilah mereka keduanya sebagaimana mereka memelihara dan mendidikku di masa kecil.

p/s: melihat perkembangan semasa yang secara realitinya makin jauh dari Islam.

"betulkan yang biasa, biasakan yang betul"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

summer in ending

there's so many things i've seen
so many incidents i've encountered
good news, bad news, great lucks, bad lucks
all those are memorable

within this holiday
i've met so many figures
being together with them
experiencing the most of time
that was the precious moments

time is ticking
bye bye home
welcome adventure
will be back to UK next week

till we meet again
my great friends

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

dare not to fail

I believe in Allah
nothing is impossible

If I was tested
that shows Allah loves me
and He wants to know if I love Him too
I am the chosen one
and I will take the challenge
nothing will fail me
unless He says so
so He can give me
something better


On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear
[Al-Baqarah, 2:286]

Monday, September 5, 2011

seungkai kata untuk dirasa

Jangan jadikan pujian manusia sebagai motivasi unggul kerana ia akan mencelamu dikemudian hari.

Jangan jadikan duit sebagai motivasi unggul kerana ia akan hilang dan habis.

Jangan jadikan pangkat sebagai motivasi unggul, kerana ia juga akan tamat dan dihasadi.

Jangan jadikan keluarga sebagai motivasi unggul, kerana ia akan mati jua.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the unheard

currently on medication
the side effects:
rarely able to wake up early in the morning
no matter how early I go to sleep the night before
so gonna miss the talk tomorrow morning at Shah Alam T_T
hopefully someone who went there would record it for me
*fingers crossed*

Sunday, August 14, 2011



lepas ni

kalau diorang tanye lagi

kite senyum je

bajet cool
