Sunday, May 15, 2011

spread your wings

the longer i've been here
more clearer things that i see
and makes me think globally

the more i'm into it
the more i gained
the more i learned
the greater the responsibility

the more you know it
the more you have to do it
so spread it right
the wings of Islam
the wings of freedom


... said...

salam alaiki ukhti~!

mmg benar skali. the more we know, all the more we have to do it! and yes, the more we learn, the greater our responsibilities, but should that hinder us from learning and discovering more? Nah, I don't think so. Kalau kita stop learning sbb takut of the tanggungjawab, nnt Allah murka and kita nak jwb apa di hari kiamat nnt. kan?

hehe.. love fillah~

qilaraf said...

w'salam liana.. btul2.. kalau kita ada byk ilmu, tp xsebar2kn, atau kata lain, ilmu tanpa amal, sama la cam pepatah, ibarat pokok tanpa buah ^^

love fillah juga \(^-^)/