Saturday, January 31, 2009

another birthday


another birthday come to town..

and it goes to........


.....................................................................who was it??????????

.............................................oh yeah.......................................................
's zalilah...........................................................

she's the first ipbarian i knew after i registered in ipba( this is not including any second intakes like me, definitely not third intakes like fieqa.. hehe). tahun lepas, almost every night i spent there in her house, typing and forcing my brain to think and deliver good thoughts to finish my assignments until it's done.

but now, the place is mine. i'm no longer have to merempat there, well, now i lived there. thanks to the birthday girl, who actually invited me to come along and be part of the house mates. if she did not texted me that morning, perhaps that i'll be living under one roof( actually one floor) with yasmin and kak ten.

well, selamat hari tua wahai cik zalilah~


fieqa said...

salam..yup2..happy besday too to zalilah..

eii, yelaa..
aku lmbt sikit dtg kan..ngehehe~~~~~~

ko teringat mesti lepas aku gtw td kan..hehHhh~~

qilaraf said...

byk r..
xde maknenye..
ak mmg igt la..

Aliaa Zulkifli said...

ouit? pacat third intake,eh?
bru aku tao~

qilaraf said...

dia kan lg freshie dr ak..
mst la ak perasan